the bullies pt 2

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we had finally arrived to finney and gwens house and their fathers car wasnt parked there so that was a lucky save for us because his father would have freaked out, i walked into finneys room and i set him down on his bed while gwen walked in and tucked him in, i walked around his room admiring his love for astrology until i came across these pink and white hello kitty bandaids and half the box was already used up so i stuffed a few in my pocket. I knew that when he woke up i was gonna place one of these bandaids on his lip because matty had busted it by kicking it roughly, me and gwen had walked out of the room and we just had began to talk about random things and i started telling her about the texas chainsaw massacre since her and finney have never seen it but she was interested in horror stories.

i woke up with the worst pain in my bottom lip and my head so i fastly got up but my head was still dizzy so i ended up just falling and my body made a loud "THUMP" noise, so as expected gwenny came rushing into my room but with someone else? i then opened my eyes a little bit more and then i saw it was robin who was beside her, they both walked up to me and robin picked me up and sat me back on my bed. He spoke up softly and said "hey finn, how are you doing bud? Seems like matty and his two other dipshits got u pretty good." robin had a slightly worried expression on his face until i responded with "im okay thank u for helping me robin and gwenny, although my lip really hurts.." robin turns around and grabs my hello kitty bandaged and wiggles them in the air to point out that he was playfully teasing me, "those are gwennys!" i muttered defensively but gwenny rolled her eyes and walked straight up to me while she placed a hand on my shoulder "finney im right here so theres no idea to lie to ur boyfriend~" she teased and i saw robins face beginning to heat up and turn red but then he just started smiling and laughing along with gwen while i just covered my face because i felt the heat rising up to my face. I slowly uncovered my face and i said "hey gwenny could u please give me and robin some alone time before dad comes home?" "of course finney! please do not eat eachothers faces off." she yelled from outside the door, "GWENNY" i yelled out and robin just collapsed onto my bed and started laughing loudly so i just playfully slapped him across the cheek. but to my surprise he sat up and looked me deeply in the eyes. I muttered something softly but he heard me "hey robin can i tell u something?.." "oh of course finn!" i felt my cheeks getting pink by the second and then i said my love confession "i...i like u robin!" I then realized what i had confessed "i totally understand if you dont feel the same wa-" robin had cut me off by smashing his lips onto mine, it started off as a very sloppy kiss but our lips slowly started moving in sync till i pulled away for air and sat on his lap while hugging him " i thought u would reject me.." i mumbled but then robin raised his hand up and placed it on my back rubbing it up and down (NOT SEXUALLY THEY ARE MINORS MAN 🤬✋)
"finn i have had the longest crush on u ever since i met u in the bathroom! So now how about we watch texas chainsaw massacre now mi amor?" i nod fastly even though we see that movie like every other time i study with robin. I lay my head on his chest and we both slowly start to drift off to sleep..


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