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Taking a deep breath and shakily release it a man with 6 fox tails raises their head to glare that the woman across from them with rage.


???: "hehe...ahaha....hahahahahaha!"

Hearing the laughter Yin's raged filled eyes turned bloodshot from anger. As before the woman could react his claws ripped though her cutting not just the mountains behind her. But also cleaving a chunk of the  very moon that hanged in the night sky.

Walking up the man with 6 tails glared down at the corpse.

Yin: "This time, stay dead."

???: "Aw, but I thought you liked spending time with me."

Clicking his tongue Yin raised his foot ready to bring it down.

Yin: "Got any words this time?"

The talking corpse smiled with their eyes still filled with.....a certain madness

???: "You know~ I'll find you~"

Yin: "Yeah-"


Yin: "-I figured."

(Dream End)

Jolting in place Yin blinks his eyes allowing them to readjust to the light. Sitting up he looks around the familiar room.

Yin: 'Vritra must have moved me.'

Throwing off the covers the fox stands up and stretches letting out a few hums when his bones pop.


Turning to the door it opens to reveal a small child with 9 fox tails. Only instead of black their blond like Yin's mothers.

Yin: "Kunou."

Blanking the girl stares at him for a bit before smiling and slamming into Yin's side.

Kunou: "Your awake!"

Nodding Yin pets her head before peeling her off with relative ease.

Yin: "Yeah, how long was I out this time?"

Hearing the question Kunou's eyes flatten as she looked at the floor.

Kunou: "It's been about a month."

Not verbally responding the man just continued to pet the girl's head.

Yin: 'It's getting worse, I'll need to figure out a way to break the curse before I don't wake up again, for now though.'

Reaching over Yin grabs his sister's ear making her jump back from surprise.

Kunou: "Ahh! Why did you do that!?"

Yin: "No reason, anyways why are you here?"

Pouting Kunou turns away but still responded.

Kunou: "I'm here because mom sent me here. Something about having a meeting with a devil and it being safer here."

Yin: 'Best be safer here, I have a god eating dog, a Dragon King, and five god damn Longinus users guarding this place. Although knowing one of them their probably off some place gambling while another is lazing around.'

Nodding his head once a he knelt down to his sister's level.

Yin: "I see, well then since your here do you want to do me a favor? I'll get you some ice cream later if you do."

Immediately Kunou rapidly nods their head. Chuckling slightly

Yin: "Can you go and get William, Vritra, and Fenrir please?"

Letting out an amused huff he watched as Kunou dashed out the doors to get his subordinates. He stared for a bit before his slight smile vanished instead replaced by a blank look. Standing up fully Yin walks over to a large window and stares out it as his senses picks up a large amount of mana gathering within the ley lines.

Yin: 'It's soon.'

The fox continued to look out the window easily losing track of time as Kunou burst though the door with 2 other people and one wolf.

Yin: "Thank you Kunou, now go bother Yami we're going to talk about adult stuff."

Kunou: "Yeah! Uncle Yami!!!"

They all watch as Yin's sister hurry out the door. The slight smile on his face faded into a dull expression.

Yin: "Vritra, I'm assuming you told them about the grail?"

Although he asked Yin already knew the answer. After all there is a reason why the humanoid dragon was one of his most trusted, if not his most trusted subordinate. He could easily trust him with something like informing the others.

Vritra: "Of course, sir"

Humming Yin stared at them for a bit before waving over Fenrir. The very same wolf who will eat Odin during Ragnarok. Seeing the gesture the god eating wolf happily walked over.

Fenrir: "Yes, my lord?"

Leaning against the large wolf Yin just enjoyed their soft fur for a moment. Although Fenrir didn't seam to mind as there was a slight sadness in the wolf's eyes. Opening his eyes slightly he patted them on the head before standing back up. Moving quickly the wolf stands behind the yokai letting them lean on him.

Yin: "Thank you"

Speaking up for the first time was the last member of the group a young man with blond hair and purple eyes looked concerned at Yin.

William: "You just woke up you shouldn't feel tried.......unless it's getting even worse."

Hearing the man Yin didn't say anything for a bit. It was another few seconds before they nodded their head in confirmation.

Yin: "Yeah, it's getting worse as we speak I feel the curse strengthen. I would say I have a few months before I stay asleep."

Before the atmosphere could get more depressing Yin waved his hands dismissing his possible coma.

Yin: "But we're in luck. the grail is starting soon so all we need to do is win."

William: "You make it sound easy, but what if one of us isn't even a master?"

See his concern Yin just waved him off.

Yin: "Don't worry, because the grail is linked to the Ley lines all I got to do is create and destroy somethings, it'll be fine."

No long leaning on Fenrir, Yin stretched and as he did instead of the sound of bones popping. It sounded like metal scraping against each other.

Yin: "So yeah, I should be able to get at least us one set of command seals. Maybe two if only a few masters have been picked already."

William: "Do you know who will get them?"

Hearing the question Yin just shrugs his shoulders.

Yin: "Nope, all I know is I will be able to get us a set or two."

William: "I see......will she be there?"

Any emotions on the fox's face dies as he just blankly looked at William. Seeing the stare and being the center of said stare Yin's subordinate shifts uncomfortable. Seeing him shift Yin blinks before regaining himself.

Yin: "......Yeah, probably.....don't worry I'll...i'll deal with it like I have the past. Now leave I'm no longer in the mood to deal with this."

Obeying the command Vritra and William bowed before leaving the room. Looking down Yin pats Fenrir's head before waving him out.

Turning towards the giant window once again the ruler blankly looked out it. Ignoring as the shadows around the room moved and warped forming an eastern dragon that rested on his shoulder.

Yin: ".....ahh~ whatever, it's no time to pity myself."

In the exact opposite way the shadow dragon appeared the air around Yin turned white. As if erased, once it cleared the fox and dragon were gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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