1: I am the Italian Mafia Princess.

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Hi... My name is Hyacinth Taylor and all of my friends are gone. I don't know where they are anymore. They're either dead in a ditch or simply disappeared from thin air. Everyone else who suffered an unknown fate... Well, they want nothing to do with me now.

The thought makes rage swell up within me. Sadness, too. 

It hurts knowing that they aren't with me anymore... Because of this, I knew that I had to go back to my true calling: being a Mafia Girl. The role is in my blood and I'm the perfect fit. Even if I moved all the way in Australia and slept with kangaroos and boxed with them every week, with me as the reigning champion, and ate Maccas and had a perfect Australian accent and walked in handstands (because Australia is upside down, duh!).... I was, at my heart, an Italian Mafia Princess.

I eat spaghetti with meatballs and twirled my fork like an Italian. I use a gun to shoot grated parmesan cheese into the dish as a Mafia.

My favorite colors are green, white, and red like an Italian. I use mold, bleach, and blood to dye my things in those colors like a Mafia.

I chew on coffee beans because I love coffee like an Italian. I shoot boiling hot water into my mouth as I do so like a hardcore Mafia.

Even if I have never stepped foot into Italian soil my entire life, no matter what... I cannot truly escape my Italian Mafia Roots.

I don't know why my friends are gone... but I have a feeling that it's because of my heritage. 

I take a deep breath and tap on my mousepad confirming the payment. It's time I go back and take back my title as the ITALIAN MAFIA PRINCESS. I need power... to make my plans happen.


Hey guys wow are you excited !?!?!?!?!?!?!?

will introduce hya's sexy hot friends next chapter.......

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