Fall with me, hearing my Perish Song...

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(This story I've been trying to think of a plot for for a while. But maybe I can do it now.)

Just a normal trainer, looking for Pokémon. That's you. You recently got your starter and a few other wild Pokémon you caught, but you were still on the lookout for some more.

While walking, you overheard the voices of two kid trainers battling. You went over to where the voices were coming from, hid behind a tree, and watched.

There were two kids. One a boy. Short, brown hair, green backwards cap. The other a girl. Short, white shirt, red cropped jacket.

The girl had a Mew. The boy had a Celebi. The girl was laughing at the boy for having a Celebi. She thought that since a Celebi is a cute Pokémon, it should only be used by girls. The boy was obviously aggravated by the girl's taunting. But it was his turn in the battle.

"Celebi. Use Perish Song."

The girl was confused.

"That's not a real move, silly!"

The boy looked up at the girl.

"Yes it is. Both Pokémon will faint in 3 turns."

"But that's not fair!"

"Oh it's very fair. Both of our Pokémon are going down, no?"

"I guess you're right..."

"Both Perish counters are at 3."

The kids continued their battle, and you kept quiet. Watching them, to see how they would do.

"...both Perish counters are at 2."

You felt a small headache rising. You thought it was normal, so you shook it off and continued watching. But you weren't the only one experiencing this pain.

"Thomas, why does my head hurt all of a sudden..?"

"It's probably just a coincidence, Cassandra."

"I guess you're right..."

The battle went on.

"Both Perish counters are at 1."

A sharp pain in your chest.
You clutched your chest, dropping to the ground. The pain was incredible.
The girl felt this too.
She was on her knees.
The Mew she had out went over to her, trying to help her back up.

"T-Thomas...I don't..."

"I'm feeling it too."

The battle didn't stop.
Any sane person would have stopped.

"....both Perish counters are at 0."

The Mew and the Celebi fainted.
The girl was slightly screaming.
She was in immense pain.

And she passed out.
Thomas passed out as well.

You were barely able to stand.
Your starter Pokémon was obviously worried.
It was nudging you, a worried expression on it's face.

Your eyes closed.
Your body went cold.
The last thing you heard being...

"You heard my Perish Song...so you fell with me..."

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