Complicated Dares

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Hey guys I am back again making this while I'm still in my bed but I really don't care so here this chapter is, and as you can see it has multiple dares so it may or may not be long.

*Phone buzzing*

Kori: Oh probably a new Dare since there is barely any questions (reads her dares) ugh so complicated.

In the kitchen

Kori: Ok where is Dia?

Dia: (Eating Pizza standing up)

Kori: Oh there she is.

Also everyone else is in the kitchen too.

Kori: ( Whack's Dia butt 3 times)

Dia: (Spits out food) OW!! Who the hell just whacked my butt more than once.

Kori: Wasn't me, so I think it was Richard

Richard: WHAT!?! No it was Raven

Raven: Excuse me! It was Jamie

Jamie: WHAT!?! I would-

 I cut him off

Dia: STOP!!! Ok first of all I know that Kori or Richard are to responsible to do something like that, second of all I know Raven would never do something as stupid as that so that leaves me to a conclusion that Jamie did it because we are literally married and I'm pregnant, plus before we were together he used to be a prankster too so uh yeah.

Jamie: Ugh whatever

Dia: Don't whatever me before I tell your mama that your being disrespectful.

Jamie: No please

Dia: Yeah that's what I thought.

In the bathroom

Kori: (Opens bathroom door) 

Garfield, Cyborg: (swimming around in the bathtub)

Kori: Uhh guys why the hell are y'all swimming in the bathtub together?

Cyborg: We have no idea.

Garfield: Exactly.

Kori: Okay? Anyways I need you guys to jump on Dia's head

Garfield: Um let me think about that.... NO!

Kori: Excuse me?

Cyborg: We said no.

Kori: You both do realize that I am the leader of this group and I can fire you but that's fine with me if you don't listen (starts walking away)

Garfield, Cyborg: WAIT!!

Kori: (Turns around) Yes?

Garfield: (sighs) Fine we'll do it BUT you owe us both 50 bucks after

Kori: Deal

In the living room

Cyborg: Hey Dia can lay down on the floor for a second.

Dia: Aww but the floor is dirty

Garfield: Just do it for a second

Dia: Ugh fine (lays one floor)

Garfield, Cyborg: (Jumps on Dia's head)

Dia: OWW!!! JAMIE!!!

Jamie: Yes Dia?

Dia: Garfield and Cyborg jumped on my head!

Jamie: THEY WHAT!! Guys do you not know that's she pregnant 

Garfield: Wait before you get mad Kori told us to do it.

Dia: I suggest you guys run before you die.

Kori, Cyborg, Garfield: Good idea

The end..... Also no they did not die they just ended up in the hospital

Hey guys this took almost an hour but I still did so here it is for the people who wanted it so bye! XOXO LolRockNRoller 💋

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