Chapter 5

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*Shawn's pov*

I walked into Sara's bathroom to find her on the ground.why was all I could get out why would she do this so many people love her. why.

I quickly went to her side and grabbed a towel and stopped the bleeding and put a band-aid on her arm.
I picked her up and gently placed her on her bed I kissed her forehead and went up stairs.
I was watching some tv then I remembered magcon. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted the guys. Cameron was the only one that replied. (C -Cameron, m- me)
M-"when is magcon?"
C-"it got pushed back to next week"
M-"okay thanks. who are you with?"
C-"Carolyn we are at the her cabin. and its Friday so you guys should come"
M-"that would be awesome I will tell the others"
*end of that conversation*
*start of new one"
(Ma-Matt, jg-Jack g, jj- Jack j, a-Aaron, t- Taylor, n-Nash, c-carter, b-Brea, ar-arianna, m-me, al-allie, e-Emily

M-"where going to the girls cabin"
Jj-"do we beds to bring anything?"
M-"extra cloth and swim trunks/suits "
Jj-"ok this is going to be awesome"
Ar-"okay I will be at the house at 5"
T-"ok just tell me when we leavening"
A-"can I bring a friend?"
M-"yes you can"
N-"I will be there"
E-"okay "

*end of conversation*

It's 4 in the afternoon and Sara just came out of her room.
"Hey beautiful" I said
"Hey"said Sara
"Just wanted to tell you that we are going up to your cabin at 5:30"i said
"I need to go get ready. do you want to help"she asked.
"Sure"i said as I got up
We go down into her room I sit on he bed as she got ready.
When she was done it was already 5 everyone came back here at like 3. now we are getting into the three rental cars that we got one was a truck and we got two vans. I was driving the truck and Sara was in the passenger seat we where pulling the boat behind us.
It was 9:30 and we pulled up to the boat area. she jumps into the boat and I pull back and put it in the water and pull back out and park the truck. I grabbed are stuff and jump into the boat. she decided to drive the boat to the cabin because I didn't know where it is but we got there and it was huge. everyone was here before because they had another boat.
We were getting changed to go night swimming. I was sitting on the bed and Sara came out with a black and gold swim suit and she looked beautiful.
Everyone was done so we went to there little beach by there cabin there was a highdive and Sara went to put her her stuff down and went into the water.

*Sara's pov*

I went swimming to the highdive and Shawn was fallowing me. I get on the platform and so did he. He was rocking it trying to make me fall I pushed him lightly and he was going to fall in so he grabbed me and we went in together. we went back on and I jumped off the highdive. Shawn didn't want to jump off of it
(M-me, s-Shawn)

M-"come on you big baby"
S-"don't call me that"
M-"well then jump"
S-"but I just want to see the view"
M-" if you jump I will kiss you"

That got his attention and he quickly got up and jumped off

S-"so where is my kiss?"

As he said that I smashed my lips onto his. He kissed back and it felt so right like. So much sparks I fell safe in his arms.

The kiss lasted for about 2 minutes and everyone was cheering. I pulled away with a smile on are face.
We swam for a little longer then we went into the cabin. I was sharing a room with shawn I really don't care because we are going on a date tomorrow.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/n I hope you like this chapter I will try to update again to day

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