Chapter 15

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*Sara's pov*

I looked at my mom and she looked mad.
"Yes mom" I said
"You are only 15"
"I know I am. Why are you yelling at me"
"You just fucking kissed a boy right in front of me"
"And Carolyn you best get in that room and make that bed" she said
"Mom I have a question" I said
"How come I get yelled at because I kiss my boyfriend..."
"He's you fucking boyfriend" she said. When my dad heard that he came into the room and looked at me.
My dad came to me and slapped me so hard I fell to the ground. I noticed that he was drunk. My mom pushed my dad to the wall and slapped him.
"How come a slut like her have someone like him" my dad said. That's when everyone came into the room. My dad started to throw stuff at me.
"Shawn bring the boys down stairs"
Carolyn said. He did what he was told and went down stairs.
" Are you fucking kidding me dad" I said standing up
"I was in two comas and you didn't even know that mom knew but you didn't. Everyone tried to call you but you didn't fucking answer. Are boyfriends got kidnapped and you didn't even know that. I fucking cut my self everyday because I get beat." I yelled at my dad. He stopes throwing things and looked at me. He pushed me down and started to choke me. I tried getting out of his grip but it was to strong. My friends and sisters tried getting him off of me but didn't work.
"Someone come up here we need help now" Carolyn yelled.
Everyone came running up the stairs and came to my dad and pushed him off of me. Jack G, Shawn, Cameron, and Taylor pushed my dad against the wall. My mom went over there and hit my dad several times. Matt went to my mom and grabbed her and pulled her away.
I got up and walked out of the house crying. I pulled out my phone and called 911 and told them my address. Within 5 minutes they came. They walked my dad out of the house and put him in the car. They asked what happened and I showed them what he did. Five minutes later they left and I went inside. I went straight into my room and went on my phone. I went on vine and noticed that I have 1 million followers. I got happy and went on YouTube I have 500k subscribers. I noticed that I haven't made a video for a while.
I heard a knock on the door and I told them to come in.
"Hey girl are you ok" Claire said
"Hey. I am fine" I said looking at her
"Do you want to come with me To go get some food for everyone" she said
"What happened with the food shawn and I were making"
"Your dad kinda threw it across the room" she said
"Ok" I said and got up.
I walked upstairs and asked what they wanted to eat. They wanted Taco Bell so Claire and I jumped into the car. I drove to Taco Bell and ordered 4 of the 12 packs and drove back home. I only had two tacos and went down to my room straight to my phone. Shawn came in a few minutes later.
"Hey babe" he said
"Hey" I said still looking down at my phone
"Can I ask you something?" He said
"What is it" I said looking at him
"What happened when we weren't here?" He said looking at me. I felt tears build up in my eyes. I bit my lip to help hold back the tears but one slipped out.
"Come here babe" he said getting up. I got up to and he wrapped his arms around my neck and I wrapped my arms around his torso and cried into his chest.
"It's ok babe" he said and kissed the top of my head.

A/n you guys I just want to tell you my dad is not like this at all he is the sweetest person in the world. Hope you like it
Love y'all

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