Chapter 1

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Marinette sighed. It was going to be the last time she uses her earrings. She was going to give the ladybug miraculous and earrings to Alya, her new best friend. Marinette just couldn't handle it, the pressure of saving Paris was too much for her.

5 more minutes until her weight is removed. 5 more minutes until she adds somebody else's weight. Just 5 more minutes until Alya will become the new ladybug.

Driiingg...Driiinggg. That's the bell, time to explain to Alya. "Girl, you have some explaining to do" said Alya. Well, never mind, she figured it out already."Girl, why did you put this box in my bag?" Alya questioned. "Come with me, let's open it somewhere safe!" Oh well, I guess I'm coming with her.

"WHAT IS THAT! A MOUSE? A BUG? A BUG-MOUSE?" Alya shrieked. "Hi, my name is Tikki. I am the ladybug miraculous." That was the exact same reaction as mine. "I suppose you already know how to use my powers?" "Yeah, I guess so, I've been watching Ladybug during her first fight... wait, if this is Ladybug's kwami, and Marinette put you in my bag, AAAAAAAAAA I'VE BEEN SITTING RIGHT NEXT TO LADYBUG THE ENTIRE TIME AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Alya panicked. "Chill girl, I just put this miraculous in your bag since I wanted you to be the next Ladybug." Marinette explained. "I couldn't handle the pressure of being Ladybug and the class president, so I decided to choose you as the new Ladybug." "Well, I guess I have no need of exposing Marinette as Ladybug" Tikki sighed.

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