You're so London

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Seeing him today was a wakeup call for me. There are some hot guys in Great Britain. My friend Jessie and I moved here about two years ago, we wanted to go to a university out in Europe in our fifth year of college. We always wanted to go to London, and with loads of part time, full time, and odd jobs we were able to go. Moving here took some getting used to, but after our first year we decided to stay for a while longer.

Today when I went to my usual tea café and I saw the most handsome man. His curly hair gave him a boyish quality and his deep brown eyes looking ever so lovely with his perfect face. I almost choked on my tea; his thick eyebrows went up in question when I started coughing. I quickly stopped and mouthed ‘I’m okay.’ Giving him a lip smile, he grabbed his tea smiled back at me and walked out the door.

I slumped in my chair and realized how stupid I probably looked. Me, being cold this morning, put on my university sweatpants and my dirty- two sizes too big- Salem Witches sweat shirt and to top it off with a messy bun and slides; my summer lazy look. I must’ve looked horrible to such a beautiful pair of eyes. Brittany, the waitress and my café friend, came up to me and gave me my usual breakfast.

“Try not to croak next time you see an attractive lad, yeah? A girl like you should try to make an effort next time. Got it, Ryan?” She said, putting her hand on her hip and pouring me more tea.

“Thanks for the support.” I reply with a slight sigh.

“What’s the matter, love?” Brittany sat down in the chair across from me.

“I-“was going to say, I miss being in a relationship, I haven’t had a boyfriend since I moved here, I wish the really hot guy would walk back in. I did not, however, want to sound desperate for anything so I just simply stated,

“I am just so tired from work yesterday.” I look down at my tea and start tracing the tea cup handles with my thumb. I look up at Brittany to see that she has an eyebrow raised and a fish face going on. She sighed and replied,

“The lad you almost died for name is Liam Payne. He comes here about twice a week, but I suppose he has been busy because I haven’t seen him in months. I used to fancy him, but then I met Jason and been dating him ever since.” She beamed at me. Happy with her relationship stories that I have heard so many times before. I drank my tea and finished it with Brittany talking about what she and Jason had planned for the weekend.

“That sounds brilliant Brittany and I love to hear more, but I’ve got to go so here are you pounds and I’ll see you later! Good luck on that thing with Jason, send him my best.” I stood up and gave Brittany a hug, and she whispered in my ear,

“Will do love, now go get him.” She let go from my embrace, picked up my dishes and winked at me. I smiled and walked out the door to the cool summer morning of London.


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