These wrathful elders...

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This was the worst thing that could've happened.

Elderly wolves were yelling aloud like pups without leashes, lashing their tails in annoyance when their disapproval was imminent. So here I was, a lonesome, youthful princess standing mere feet away from my father on his left, my mother Mooneye on the right, and white or the two of them were mostly strained from this constant backlash; neither of them said a word.

My father, Shadow, stared at the forums shaking his head as the elders shrieked and screamed over his thoughts, all while my mother nibbled her cheek, awaiting their eventual pause. This endless agitation was tormenting even my soul. Finally, after a couple of long minutes, my father stood up, lumbering over to me, and tapped my shoulder with his massive soft paw "so you mind if you could just-?"

"Not at all, father" I nodded, standing up quickly and quietly. I didn't hesitate to react, given that I was slightly annoyed by the helpless scene ahead. As my father backed away, I took a steady stance pushing one law firsts and one hind paw back. My fluffy tail tensed up, claws diving into the soft earth of the cave firmly. After I gathered enough breath, my chest puffed, my head lifted backward, and my eyes slammed shut.

And with one quick jolt upward, I opened my jaws, lashing my tail like a sword.

And the cave shook with a mighty howl.

I felt it tearing through the ground, crumbling the wind and even rocking like a quake in my throat from whence it came from. My voice rolled aorund the room, snapping the attention of all the elders' in an instant. And as I clamped my snout, I opened my eyes only to fade back anxiously as their puppy eyes fixated on my soul.

"Howl a little louder, pup," snarled the elder Ink, "and I'll personally jump down there and rip out your pathetic throat."

"Hmph, I wouldn't like to see the scene," another female elder getting a tilted head from me, "an elderly warrior against the princess? It would be quite the impressive show."

"I... wish not to cause discomfort from that howl," I called aloud, trying not to charge at the elder who dared to warn me as I sat back down, "but the alpha and Luna require your attention. So I suggest we all silence our snouts and listen."


"Perhaps an elder's perspective is not what I need," Shadow snarled back at him. "Perhaps someone who makes sense and his war-torn insolence doesn't condemn it."

The elders narrowed their eyes in announcing their chatters now reduced as they grumbled among each other. Yet, deep down, I felt even more agitated than usual, curling my tail aorund myself to keep myself steady and calm. They already hated me; I see that now. But if I am here to stand for something much more significant than myself, then so be it.

Maybe I did Need my friends after all.

"Very well," Ink callers, "if she wishes to hear your ego rot, so be it. Now then, about those humans-" "this whole charade is a scam of itself!" Alia snorted. "Blackfur bluffs about their strength; we all know that! They're mere mortals who can live more than three times under the sun. Wolfkind isn't dead. They react like cowards."

"I agree. Who's to say the skull is real?" A female sneered back, "it reeks of smoke, not death. It could be that of olden age when wars were common."

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