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Riley sat in a chair between Bob and Mike in Hawkins Lab. They'd taken Will there last night to try and figure out what was wrong with him. A lot of it was just a blur of worry and stress for Riley.

She closed her eyes leaning her head on Mike shoulder already feeling a headache coming on. The other boy gave her a weak smile carefully placing his arm over her shoulder pulling her further into his side, leaning his head atop of hers.

Riley awoke a few hours later when Mike suddenly sat up straight, she pulled her head off Mike's shoulder looking at Will who seemed to have just woken up as well.

"Who is that?" Will whispered looking towards Bob.

"What?" Joyce asked as Mike and Riley shared a confused look.

"It's me, big guy. It's Bob." he reached out to take his hand but will quickly pulled away.

"Are you a... Doctor." Will questioned.

"No. No, it's just me. Just... just Bob." Will still showed no sign of recognition as he glanced towards the other three people in the room.

"Do you know your name?" A man who Riley was pretty sure was called Dr Owens asked Will as he shone a bright torch in his eyes. Riley stood next to Mike at the end of his bed surrounded by a group of Doctors. 


Riley looked towards the floor rubbing her hands on her denim dungarees biting the inside of her cheek.

"Your full name?"

"William Byers."

"Do you know... Do you know who I am?" Dr Owens asked looking closely at Will who closed his eyes thinking for a few seconds.

"A doctor."

"Have we met before."

"I don't remember." Will stuttered.

"You don't remember me?" Will shook his head, "Okay." Dr Owns pointed towards Mike, "How about, uh... How about this guy here?"

Will looked towards Mike who smiled waving awkwardly, "Do you know who that is?" Will stared at Mike as Dr Owen placed an arm on his shoulder, "It's alright. Take your time."

"That's my friend. Mike."

Dr Owens nodded his head pointing towards Riley, "And this young lady," Will looked at Riley who sent him a comforting smile, "Do you know who that is?"

Will took a second to think, "That's... that's Riley. She's also my friend."

"What about me, kid? You remember me?" Hopper asked, Will shook his head, "They tell me you helped save me last night. You remember that?" Will once again shook his head.

"Do you remember anything about last night." Dr Owens cut in, "About what happened?"

"I remember they hurt me." Will spoke looking Dr Owens in the eye.

"You mean the Doctors."

"No." Will shook his head, "The soldiers."

"The soldiers hurt you."

"They shouldn't have done that." Will was almost glaring at Dr Owens, "It upset him."

"You say, Upset him. Is that him?" Dr Owens held a photo to Will that Riley recognised as the drawing of the shadow monster. Will looked towards Dr Owens nodding his head, "Okay. Okay, I wanna try something. It's gonna seem a little odd at first, but I think it's really gonna help us understand what's going on." he turned back towards Will, "Is that okay?"


The doctors  brought in a table with a box on it and in that box was part of the vines in the tunnel Hopper was in last night.

"Now, Will," Dr Owens started, "I want you to just let us know if you feel anything. Okay?"

Riley flinched as one of the scientists lit a fire to a canister slowly lowering the flame towards the vines that started squealing.

"Do you feel anything?" Dr Owens asked.

"Little sting." Will groaned.

"It stings? Where?"

"My chest." Will spoke pain present in his voice as the man very lowered the flame once more.

"how about now?"

"It.. it burns." 

Riley covered her ears hiding her head on Mike's shoulder when Will let out a pained yell. Mike held her hands firmly over her ears making sure she was okay.

"It burns."


"Everywhere!" Will shouted.

"That's enough. That's enough!" Joyce yelled.

"Stop! You heard her! That's enough!" Hopper yelled over everyone else when no one listened to Joyce. The doctor took of the flame away and Riley sighed in relief when everyone stopped yelling as she slowly took her hands away from her ears.

"Will?" Mike asked the boy who was led in his hospital bed staring off into the distance, "Will."

"Will?" Riley tapped to him on the shoulder trying to gain him attention, "William?"

Will suddenly sat up straight looking at his two friends.

"What wrong?" Mike questioned, "Are you hurting again?"

"Uh... I saw something." Will muttered.

"Do you mean in your... In your now-memories?" Riley asked as Will nodded his head leaning closer to them so there was no chance of anyone else hearing.

"The shadow monster. I think I know how to stop him."

"I'm sorry." Will stuttered shaking. Mike and Riley looked towards him confused.

"What? What do you mean, sweetie?" Joyce asked rubbing Will's arm comfortingly. 

"He made me do it."

"Who? Who made you do what?"

"I told you. They upset him. They shouldn't have done that. They shouldn't have upset him." 

Mike and Riley looked towards each other in realisation their eyes wide, "The spy." They spoke at the same time, "The spy!"

The two jumped from their seats running into the hallway, "I need to get through! It's a trap!" Mike yelled at the top of his voice as the two tried to shove past the guards to get into the other part of the building.

"You have to listen to us!" Riley yelled as Bob walked up behind them pulling them back, "It's a trap! We need to tell them! It's a trap!"

"We need to warn them!" Mike yelled fighting back against Bob. Mike, Riley and Bob came to a sudden halt upon hearing gunfire from through the door. Loud screams filled the halls as something in the distance roared.

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