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3 months later


Taehyung has been in this coma for about a 3 months. I lied to Jimin about how Taehyung's condition came like this and felt terrible about it because Taehyung would have been awake now if it hadn't been for me. I decided to avoid Taehyung when he recovered, merely for his sake.

I was again at the hospital to give a visit. Just as I was about to enter the room I saw Mia and Jimin sitting in the room. Taehyung's parents have lived abroad for buisness and come rarely to meet their kids so they weren't present at the moment. 

Both Mia and Jimin seemed to be gazing at Taehyung's unresponsive body while talking about something. By the look of it, it seemed to be some serious matter that they were talking about.

I went inside and made an apperance infront the 2 and Taehyung's body. 

"Y/n..." Jimin said seriously while being dangerously calm.

"Yea oppa?" I asked with a soft voice

"Get out" The second the sentence left Jimin's mouth I grew  confused as my heart began to form a knot.

"What?" I said barely getting it out despite the lump being created in my throat.

"Get out. Can't you hear me?" Jimin said curtly,unbothered.

"What happened oppa, what did I do?" I asked as my lips began to tremble.

"GET OUT I SAID ! YOU ARE THE REASON THAT MY BESTFRIEND IS IN THIS CONDIOTION." Jimin shouted flaming in anger. I knew it was because of me but how come did he know? I looked up only to see Mia smirking at me while Jimin glares at me with hatred.

"And from now on I dont know you after all I dont want my sister as some muderer." Jimin says and points to the door motioning me to get out.

I immediately ran away from there and went to the rooftop. I took a seat and blankly stared at the sky. Tears slowly rolled down my face as both guilt and grief took over me.

Time skip~

It was 8:00pm and dad would be home by now so I went back home from the hospital. I opened the front door and before I took take a step in, my suitcase and bag was thrown to the floor next to my foot.

I looked down at my luggages then looked at who threw it, it was Mia!?

"Mia...What are you even doing here?" I asked with a visible slight frown on my face.

"What? I will be living here and Jimin asked me to kick you out. He didn't want to see a murderer so that's why I am kicking you out" Mia says smirking.

"What do you mean Mia? How could you? A fucking backstabber!" I fired back at her.

"Get out unless you want it to be don't want it to be done in a worse way." Mia said, her eyes shooting blades.

"No I won't-" I was interrupted by another voice.

"Y/n!" I shot my head towards the owner of the voice, Taehyung.

"Taehyung? Weren't you at the hospital?" I asked him confused as fuck.

"I woke up today, I guess around 4:23pm but what are you doing with your luggages?" Taehyung asked having no idea of what had happened before he came.

I had planned that once he woke up I'd stay away from him so I brought up another lie.

"Oh,these? I found a dorm room so I'll be staying there" I said clearly lying with a fake smile.

"Oh,but do come and visit" Taehyung seemed a bit disappointed but then flashed me his boxy smile. Back of my mind, I knew that these very going to be my final moments with Taehyung afterall I'm a murderer according to my brother. 

"Taeh-oh y/n!" Jimin said entering the scene. He obviously didn't like my presence here.

"I'm leaving to my dorm so don't worry!" I said picking my luggages up and headed out of the house. 

I found a taxi and asked Jungkook about coming over to stay for some time thankfully he agreed. I was dropped at Jungkook's house.

"Jungkook!" I said and embraced him for a hug after he opened the door as I was already weak after being kicked out.

"Buttercup....." Jungkook breathed out and embraced me back.

Soon I was inside his house and was still sobbing while he had kept me tight. 

"Buttercup, eat something please" Jungkook said worried as I haven't ate anything. 

"I'm alright" I said as I snuggled against his chest sleepily.

Time skip~

Today was the day the I was going apartment hunting as I couldn't stay long in Jungkook's place. Jungkook decided to tag along so both of were now getting ready to go for some apartment hunting. I found good proper apartments that I liked but Jungkook wanted me to live with me so he was persuading me the whole time. 

We both went to this somewhat expensive restaurant to eat lunch after-all we were so tired. We both were eating and laughing when I say a familiar figure enter the restaurant, Jimin.

Thankfully he didn't spot me, following him was Mia and Taehyung. Both of them seemed to be all happy and stuff. 

Jungkook didn't seem to notice them as-well so all was good, hopefully.Jungkook and I were thankfully done so we were getting ready to head out. Both of us were fighting on who wanted to pay the bill. I bet we had caught the whole restaurant's attention by our lengthy fight. 

"I'll pay the bill please after-all I live at your house" I whined trying to put my card next to that machine.

"No I will pay, and its our house" Jungkook said pushing my hand away trying to pay and clearly no-one was planning to back away and we continued to argue. 

Suddenly Jungkook stopped arguing and just stared and me in a sort of intimidating look.

"What" I asked boringly knowing that was just an act and was about to put my card when Jungkook out of nowhere leaned in and pecked my cheek. 

"Yah!" I immediately yell at him wiping the area of my cheek were he pecked me at while he successfully  payed for the bill. I pouted in defeat while he just looked at me with a bunny smile. Just as we were about to head out a person who we didn't want to see appeared.


Hey to my readers ! I wasn't able to post this week because of school but the weekend will be starting so I'll be posting more so keep for the look out :)

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