51. Misunderstandings

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He had to wipe his hands onto his pants for a third time, resisting the urge to shuffle nervously on his feet. 

In that moment, it became apparent that the Major knew him far too well, as that simple movement made the Major throw a grin his way, before knocking their shoulders together. A silent show of support that was unneeded, but that Ijin appreciated nonetheless. 

"Don't be so tense!" The Major said with a grin on his face, his words doing nothing to help Ijin relax," They're gonna love you, I just know it." 

He shifted nervously on his feet," Still," He said firmly," I don't want to make a wrong expression." God knows how many wrong impressions he had made already. 

He knew that he had a rather blank face, a habit that he was trying to get rid of after years of hiding his emotions. It had caused multiple misunderstandings with his friends already (Though they were minor misunderstandings that were easily laughed away), he just knew that he was going to cause more with people that barely knew him.

"Listen Ijin. Unless you try to kiss me," That comment made him snort," Theres not going to be any misunderstandings. Just be yourself!"

That helped. 


It was just two people. A man and a woman. 

A couple. 

The couple that raised one of the few people he could trust. 

And one of the best men he knew. 

Who was also the one who gave him everything he ever wanted in his life. 

He was definitely nervous. 

And based on the way the Major kept on shifting on his feet, and the way he kept on scratching his face with his index finger, he was not the only one who was nervous. 

People milled around them as they waited in the shopping center square, the rest of the world moving on with their lives as they stood still. The plan was for them to have lunch together, and if that went well, they were supposed to go and get some ice cream after. Hopefully, it was going to go well. 

Hopefully, they weren't going to take his silence as disinterest. 

He sighed, his warm breath coming out as a mist in the cool air. It was the beginning of winter, and it was already starting to get colder than he liked. And since he grew up in what was essentially a jungle, anything less than hot was too cold for him. 

Even in the square, he was the only one wearing a hoodie while everyone was still in the sweater stage, the hood pulled over his head when his ears started to get cold. 

There was a particularly strong gust that made him shiver and cross his arms to retain some warmth. 

The Major noticed, and chuckled as he stood closer to the teenager," It's not that cold Ijin." 

He grunted as he leaned in closer, happily leeching off of the older man's warmth," It's fucking cold." The use of the curse word made a startled laugh came out of the Major. 

Ijin actually had quite the potty mouth. As to be expected after being raised by brutes and working with brutes for most of his life. Though the moment he found out that he still had living family members, a grandfather, and a younger sister nonetheless, he cleaned up his language. 

For the most part. He still had the habit of cursing fluently when he was in tense situations or when he was in a bad mood.  And the cold was always a great way to put him into a sour mood.

"Wow," The Major chuckled out as he pulled Ijin into his side, his hand rubbing Ijins arm to try and create some warmth for the teenager," You must be cold if you're cussing already."

Ijin grumbled into the collar of his jacket, "I hate the cold."

"I know. I have a old winter jacket you can have. I'll give it to you before I drop you off."

"You don't have to do that."

"I don't. But I am. So shut up and accept my help."

Ijin already knew that there was no arguing with the man when he used that tone. 

Besides, it would be nice to have a thicker jacket than the one he borrowed (stole) from Jaehyung.

"Yes sir," there was another gust of wind that made Ijin huddle closer to the Major. Muttering under his breath," It fuckin' wimdy out here."

He blinked once, and then twice. He looked down at Ijin, surprise appearing on his face when he finally processed what Ijin just said.

A bubble of laughter spilled over his lips, "Alright," His tone was lighthearted as he took out his phone," I gotta take a picture to remember the day you referenced a internet meme."

"...You mean a tumblr post?"

"I gotta buy your friends lunch. They're doing gods work by helping you learn memes."

"I wasn't that bad."

"You stared at us when me and Gwangisk started singing the 'Lion Sleeps Tonight' back on base. Come on dude. It was a Disney movie reference."

"Ok. Fine...I almost made Yeongchan tear up when I told him that I didn't watch any Disney movies growing up."

"He's the one with the buzzcut right?"


"He does seem like the one to tear up at stuff like that." 

"I remember you crying when you dropped your milkshake."

"Yeah I remember you crying when-when you... fuck."  He realized a little bit too late that he had never seen Ijin cry over menial things such as the loss of a milkshake. 

Ijin started laughing at his reaction, and he took the picture before Ijin could stop him. Allowing him to get a perfect picture of the two of them smiling together, a rare picture seeing as Ijin rarely smiled like that. 

Before Ijin could even protest the Major sending it to the group chat, a word caught their attention. 

"Hamchan?" they looked up together. Ijin hadn't recognized the voice, nor did he recognize the couple that was standing across them. 

What he did recognize, was their look of confusion and oddly enough, disgust. 


The woman (The Major was almost a carbon copy of her now that he looked at her.) swallowed thickly before quietly saying," You have a fiancé Hamchan." Her voice was stern, and Ijin knew almost immediately what the woman was thinking. 

He didn't panic, since it was a simple misunderstanding. It was going to be easy to clear up. Granted, it had to look weird. They had just walked up on their engaged son, laughing with a teenager that was obviously younger than him, all while holding onto said teenager in a way that seemed unnecessary (it was very much necessary in Ijins eyes as it was cold), it must have seem like they were being affectionate rather than warming each other up. Ijin understood why there was a misunderstanding and was calm about it. 

Though for some odd reason, the Major panicked and blurted out like an absolute dipshit. 

"He's my kid!!"

As one might expect. 

It didn't make it any better. 

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