Phone Call

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*phone rings*
Justin: Hey Rose I was just about to call you.
Me: Ha I beat you to it... Anyways I just wanted to tell you some really great news!
Justin: Oh really... What's the great news?
Me: My family and I just finished moving into our new house ... and you won't believe who my neighbors are or what neighborhood I live in now *says all excitedly*
Justin: Well are you gonna tell me or leave me hanging ha this is why I love talking to you...
Me: Aww Justin your so sweet well I live in the same neighborhood as your mom and we are inviting everyone so me can meet all our neighbors
Justin: That's so awesome and amazing I can't even explain how excited I am really!!!!! Well I'm not at my mom's right not but I should be in a bit... Can't wait to see you in person FINALLY!
ME: Neither can I ... Well I'll talk to you later hurry and come already I wanna hug you!!!
Justin: I LOVE YOU! Bye
*Phone call ends with a kiss*

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