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Bailey's POV

Ugh, I'm going crazy with this stupid job hunt...

All of those mocking voices from friends and family constantly on loop in my mind.

You graduated and finally got your bachelors, but you still don't have a job lined up?

Have you tried this place or that place?

What are you going to do in case it takes awhile to get a job? 

I get it, everything they are saying is true but most engineering companies around here seem to be picky with their entry level positions. I've applied to about fifteen different facilities, and have only heard back from five that have said I'm not 'experienced enough to work for them quite yet'. 

I think I wasted the last four years of my life drowning in college debt for nothing it seems...

"Still researching?" My thoughts get interrupted by my roommate Jake. We met in college and became instant friends halfway through freshman year. We are like siblings with how we bicker all the time yet still want to constantly hang out with each other.

"Yeah, but the places I haven't applied to yet are literally an hour or more away from here. With the starting wages, I don't think the mileage would be worth it." I huff as I keep scrolling on the job website. Jake takes a seat next to me on the couch and peers over at my laptop screen.

"Looks like you have some new emails. Anything worth reading perhaps?" He asks. I glance over at my email and see that there are a few new ones I've received in the past ten minutes.

"Probably not, but I'll check anyways to see if anyone else has rejected my application." I shrug and click out of the job website into my email. I start reading the subjects and most are shopping bullshit. "Nothing good it seems." 

"Wait, what did that one say?" Jake asks right as I was about to click to delete all of them.

"Which one?" He points to the screen where it says 'Avenge Metal Co: New Hire Inquiry'. How did I miss that? "Click on it! It seems like you're finally gonna get some good news." 

I click on the email and start reading it.

Good afternoon Ms. Hopper,

We'd like to thank you for submitting your application as a paid engineering intern at our facility. We have read through your credentials carefully and decided you would be a great fit for our team. We would love to bring you in for an official interview and orientation session to see if you would like to work with us. Let us know when you are available to come in and see what we are all about.

All the best,

Nick Fury, District Manager of Avenge Metal Company.

"I don't know about you Bails, but it seems like you just got yourself a job." Jake says as I sit there in complete shock.

"I can't believe this. There's no way after all these weeks I finally get a positive outcome..."

"Sometimes companies need time to sort their own shit before they bring newbies in the mix." He shrugs and I hate that he has a point.

"Why must you act so wise sometimes?" He smirks.

"You mean all the time?" I roll my eyes.

"Whatever you wanna believe." 

"Well, congratulations on getting your first engineering job! I'm starving so I'm gonna make some lunch and when I'm done, you better have sent them an email back because there is no way in hell you are missing this opportunity." Jake gets up from the couch and starts walking towards the kitchen.

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