Chapter One

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"Thank you, Brazil!" Lauren screamed into the mic as the five of them bowed to the screaming fans.

The girls were on tour performing their last show and I flew out last night with our daughter, Kayla-Rose, to be with them. I met the girls during their X-Factor days and we became extremely close with each other. It only took me a couple weeks to realize I was in love with not just one but three of them and by some miracle they had fallen in love with me too.

A month later, the four of us were dating with the approval of our best friends, Ally and Camila, but we only came out to the public three months later.

Although we had a few negative comments about our relationship,  alot of people supported it, including the girls manager, Simon.

Two years later, we were married!

I couldn't imagine my life without my wives and two best friends and I was extremely grateful that their parents loved and treated me as their own. Since I don't have a family, this is all I have and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I haven't told anyone about my past and who I use to be and I intend to keep it that way for everyones safety.  After a year of being married, we decided to try and have a baby, so we went to a fertility clinic and did the whole procedure. Nine months later I was giving birth to our baby girl in a hospital whilst the girls were at a Meet and Greet. Luckily they were just in time to witness their daughter ripping out of my vagina.

That was Two years ago and right now, I was sitting in the girls dressing room with Kayla-Rose, watching them on the flat screen mounted to the wall.

Kayla watched with big eyes and a fist in her mouth as her moms performed and when the camera zoomed in on Mani's face, she waved her arms around excitedly.

"Mama!" She giggled making me smile.

"Is that Mama?" I cooed and she looked back at me with a toothless grin.

She giggled loudly just as the door opened and the girls walked in all sweaty.

Kayla turned her attention to the door and screamed excitedly when she saw her other moms walking in.

"Are you excited to see us, mija!?" Lauren cooed, walking towards her and scooping her up in her arms making Kayla giggle with excitement.

Dinah stood over her shoulder and smothered her tiny cheeks with kisses making the toddler giggle loudly.

"How did we do?" Mani asked wiping the sweat off her face with a towel before plopping down on the seat next to me.

"You girls were amazing!" I answered and she leaned in to peck my lips.

"Thanks, Soph!" Camila smiled.

"Kayla was glued to the TV the whole time and eveytime she saw you, Dinah or Lauren she would scream, 'Mama'!" I chuckled making the girls smile.

"That's cause she's our biggest fan, aren't you, baby?" Dinah cooed and Kayla giggled at her.

"Fifteen minutes, ladies! The van's almost here to take you to the airport!" Big Rob called through the closed door.

Mani groaned before getting up off the couch as Lauren came over and handed me our daughter so they could get dressed into comfortable clothes.

I got up and sat Kayla down in her car seat before strapping her in and gathering up all her items in her baby bag.

Ten minutes later, Mani grabbed the car seat just as Ally opened the door and I grabbed Kayla's baby bag before taking ahold of Dinah's hand and the six of us left the dressing room, following Big Rob towards the exit.

Entering the lobby, we could hear the fans screaming for the girls and I grew worried about the flashing lights in Kayla's face.

"Babe, the lights are gonna be to bright for her!" I told Normani, making her stop as Lauren grabbed the bag off my shoulder and pulled out Kayla's unicorn blanket.

"Here!" Lauren called placing it over the car seat and blocking out any light from Kayla's view.

I zipped the bag up just as Will opened the door and walked out in front of Mani with her following him and me and Dinah were behind her as Lauren grabbed ahold of the back of my shirt with Camila and Ally behind her.

The fans began screaming even louder as soon as we stepped out the building, making Lauren's grip on the back of my shirt tighten as Will guided us to the van with Big Rob at the back.

"Lauren, Te Amo!" A fan yelled just as a loud bang went off causing the crowd to scream in fear and I ducked down grabbing Normani by her jean loop and pulled her back towards us before telling her to duck down.

Multiple loud bangs went off making the crowd scream in panic and I let go of Mani and Dinah and ran towards the van that was in front of us and I yanked the back door open.

"Come on!" I yelled and Will and Rob led the girls towards the van and I helped them in. Kayla was wailing In her seat, making Mani take her out to sooth the crying infant.

The gunshots stopped just as I got the girls safely in the van and I took this opportunity to stop and scan the area.

"You girls alright?" Will asked just as I spotted a guy around our age crouched in front of a window of the third floor in a building right in front of us with a sniper aimed right at Will making my eyes widen.

"Will!" I yelled, leaping forward and tackling him out the way just as the guy pulled the trigger and the bullet ricocheted off the side walk were Will was once standing.

"Sophia!" The girls yelled in panic and I got up to my feet, pulling Will with me before looking at the window the man was at but he was no longer there. I peaked my head into the van to look at the driver.

"Get them out of here!" I ordered and he nodded just as I looked at the girls.

"I'll be right back!" I assured them before grabbing the door handle to close it but Lauren grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Wait--what? Where are you going?" She panicked and I grabbed her face in my hands.

"Lauren, trust me! I'll be right back!" I assured her before looking at Mani and Dinah who mirrored Lauren's scared facial expression.

"Soph, stop!" Dinah pleaded just as I closed the door behind me before turning to Rob and Will.

"Come on!" I yelled before running across the street towards the building with the two men behind me.

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