chapter 2

434 13 6

Pov yang

Location interrogation room

Yang: you know boys usually don't run away from me

Lark: you're not that hot

Yang: now you're being insulting

Y/n: mr.lark...why did you try to run?

Lark: ...when federal agent get at your place you get nervous and run

Yang: did you know that Velvet and Cardin still banged?

Y/n: I'm not quite sure you should say it like that agent Xiao long

Yang: y/n, your help is very appreciated but not needed here

Y/n: should I remind you that your superior requested me as your partner

Lark: look, your love quarrel is hella cute but I've hot things to do

Yang: not until you tell us why you ran away....or tried to run

Lark: ok, me and Cardin were doing drugs back when he was alive...and not the legal Kind

Yang: there is no drug that is legal outside of medecine...however we found illegal drugs on his body, here's the deal, you tell us who got you these drugs and we can strike a deal...was it Velvet?


He tries to punch me, but I grab his arm

Yang: would you look at that, i hit a very sensitive spot

Lark: it's true, I love Velvet...and I did ask her out, but I respected her choice, Cardin was my friend, my best friend,  I would never hurt him...especially just for a girl

Y/n: you seemed quite angry when agent Xiao long suggestive that " just a girl" was selling you drugs

Lark: Velvet was cheating on Cardin with me, we had a secret relationship, if you want à real suspect, go find Ruby rose, I saw Cardin and her argue and fight

Y/n: we'll investigate, agent Xiao long, would you kindly follow me outside ?

I nod and we leave the interrogation room

Yang: you're not seriously thinking Ruby killed Cardin? Right?

Y/n: we already know she did not, but I want to know something

Yang: let's go then

Y/n: not you, you are needed here, besides if she did do something Wrong,  she might hide it out of fear of disapointing you

Yang: and what about Lark?

Y/n: he is guilty, he's nervous,  he had the mobile of the crime, the drug that weakened Cardin, and despite what he Said he's quite obviously guilty

Yang: I can't arrest him based on that y/n, the dagger used to kill the victim had no DNA except cardin's blood

Y/n: what dagger

Yang: oh yeah, I didn't tell you, when you went back to your dumb school, we kept working, and found out the dagger

Y/n: why not tell me?

Yang: because you probably wouldn't have cared since it was during your classes

Y/n: are you mad at me?

Yang: why would I be, because you have 3 jobs despite making a shit ton of cash, or the fact that you barely seem to care about this, since this case was open you barely took any intrest in it...why?

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