I Wanna Fuck The Ones I Envy

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The party is finally dying down and Jungwon is just itching to get home. He has never stayed for more than an hour (a considerable amount of time to get enough people to notice that he did came) and thus, has never seen this side of a house party before.

It's usually the too-packed hallways with even more packed living room and kitchen, ridiculously long lines to the restroom, and people shouting left and right to get their points across as the music blared loud enough to destroy all their eardrums. Not to mention the suffocating smell of spilled beer and alcohol-induced breaths.

One of the owners of the house, Park Jongseong, is two years his senior and the only cool person in Jungwon's friends list. To say they're friends is pushing it, actually. They're more like acquaintances, in Jungwon's humble opinion, but the senior has taken care of him on more than one occasion so he doesn't deny it when Jongseong introduces him as a friend to anyone who asked.

They met last year when Jungwon left his wallet in his dorm room and realized it only when the cashier was handing him his ordered milk tea. He froze for a second, realizing his mistake, and opened his mouth to apologize when he saw Jongseong approaching the counter. They had never spoken before but Jungwon saw him a lot around, enough to know that he'd most probably see him again.

He ended up borrowing cash. Looking back, Jungwon is kinda amazed at himself with how he just practically asked a stranger to pay for his drink. Jongseong was surprised, as he should, but he did hand his card to the cashier. Jungwon then took the receipt, borrowed a pen, and asked the senior to write down his phone number. He paid him back within the day.

Ever since then, he always get Jongseong's text whenever he and his housemate, Heeseung, throws a party. He didn't even saved the senior's phone number when he first got the text. Jungwon felt indebted enough that he showed up to the party for an hour, said his greetings to Jongseong who introduced him to some of his friends and classmates, and then left.

They've never hang out together, not even once, but the senior sometimes pay for his drink when they catch each other on the line. Jungwon doesn't decline because what he discovered after attending Jongseong's party was that he is filthy rich. So.

Since then, he has always attended Jongseong's party. As he mentioned, he never stays for more than an hour but today is an exception. Riki, Jungwon's childhood friend and a freshman, has joined his first ever college party and wanted the whole experience, never mind that he's still seventeen and shouldn't be drinking. Jungwon and his roommate, Sunoo, are both in their sophomore years. They are not that close to begin with as they've only been rooming for a few weeks but Sunoo has asked if he can come with them.

Jongseong's reply was 'the more, the merrier' and so he brought them along. So far, he's regretting everything.

Jungwon sighs into his red solo cup, mentally cheering himself. At least its Friday so he doesn't have to worry about having to wake up early tomorrow. He does have some meetings to attend to but they can all be done in the afternoon.

Deciding to suck it up, he leans back against the couch he's been lounging on for at least 2 hours now and observes the party dying down. The couch is positioned against the wall with two one-seats on the sides and a low glass table on the front. He's just glad that the others seem more interested in sitting on the floor than with him.

It's close to 3 am and most of the guests are either passed out drunk or have gone home. The throng of bodies is gone and everyone can now walk around the room and not bump into everyone. Even the music has faded into the background and mindless chatters filled the room instead.

Huh. So this is how a party finishes. Interesting.

Even so, he will not do this again. He has done his friendly duty to Riki by accompanying him and making sure he doesn't trash himself. If he wants to attend another one, he needs to be the one to work for it.

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