The Light In A Dark Tunnel ❤☁️

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Apologies if there are any errors. I wrote this on a whim with not a lot of time on my hands.


"Uramichi Oniisan!"

The brown haired man stopped in his tracks down the hall, a shadow descending over his eyes as he lamented just how close he was to freedom for the day. The front doors were only several feet in front of him. But now instead he turned to face Derekida, who was sprinting after him. 

Or rather had been... the older man had slowed to a trudging walk now, heaving breaths as he came up to Uramichi. "I'm so lucky I caught you when I could, huh?" the older man joked as he straightened.

Maybe lucky for you... Uramichi thought grimly, but he kept his lips tightly pressed together to keep the words from leaving his mouth on their own.

However, he wasn't given much chance to respond anyways before the director dove into explanation, "I need you to do a favor for me. Do you remember the seasonal music video we recorded a few days ago?"

"I do..." Uramichi answered gloomily, slowly shifting his eyes to the side as he recalled the utter despair the recording process for the video had been. The temperature had been nearly unbearable, and yet Uramichi had been too dead set on making it through the recording process to complain outwardly. He had nearly collapsed on his way home that day, but his job was at least still intact. That was what mattered.

Derekida nodded slightly, arms crossed comfortably over his chest. "Well, the video editor hasn't been seen around for a while. I would go check up on them myself, but I have business I need to get to and I unfortunately don't have time." He moved closer to Uramichi to put his hand on Uramichi's shoulder. "You've got time to check up on them for me, I hope?"

Even though it's phrased as a question, often when a higher up asks a question like this, it's out of a rhetorical sense of politeness. It's only worded as a question to give you the feeling you have some control in a matter you ultimately don't. Uramichi put on a strained smile. "Yeah, I guess."

The director beamed brightly. "Aha! Uramichi, my boy, I knew I could count on you!" He gave Uramichi's back a few very enthusiastic pats, causing Uramichi to wince as the gesture made a minor shoulder injury he had received during the show to flare up. 

And with that, Derekida happily strolled off, leaving Uramichi to only get one last glance back at the door before making his way back down the hallway again. Uramichi sunk back into his thoughts as he walked. I've never met the video editor who works here. They were hired fairly recently from what I've heard, and yet I have never crossed paths with them.

It wasn't long before he stood before the very door to the editor's office, a little card by the door suggesting as much. Uramichi lifted his fist towards the door, hesitating only a second before knocking. There was only silence from the other side. Frowning slightly, Uramichi tried knocking again. This time, he was met with a muffled voice.

"Huh? Oh... oh. Come in."

Uramichi cautiously opened the door a crack to peer inside, only to be met with a dark room. His pupils shrunk slightly at the eerie room before him, stepping inside slightly whilest not daring to release his grip on the door handle. He looked around, his eyes refusing to adjust to the pitch black interior. A cynical part of him began to think this might be some sick prank, but then his eyes picked up a contained white light from further on the left side of the room.

It was the light from a computer screen, and a form of a person was hunched in front of it. The mouse clicked noisely a few times as a cursor was moved across the screen. Uramichi lingered in the doorway. "Hello?" he called when you did not say anything or address his prescence.

Oneshots With Uramichi Oniisanजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें