One Missed Message ❤🥺

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A bit of an angsty, vaguely venting oneshot with more of everyone's favorite genre: ✨emotional hurt/comfort✨ Definitely not me self-projecting my problems onto characters again, nuh-uh, I would never! Anyways, who else is suffering from burnout right now? ✋ Burnout sucks. It makes for a good reason to write a oneshot though. Hope you enjoy.


You felt like you were on the verge of collapsing. Holding a stack of plates topped in a group of upside down cups, you made your way skillfully across the resturant, winding around tables and chairs. There was a bustle of chatter from all the seated people, nearly every seat filled during the evening rush of customers. With it being around suppertime, this was to be expected, but it never stopped wearing you out as well as making you hungry.

On top of that, you had been working some pretty steep hours as of late. To say you were having to work past your shift would be an understatement. You nearly were doing the work of two people, and yet only being paid for one. To add to that, your mental health was rapidly declining and you were left in a scramble to pick up the pieces every night you went home.

Stepping into the backroom, you moved to the nearest counter and set all the dishes in your hands down. Then you clutched the countertop and heaved weary breaths as you felt your mind begin to descend into insanity. How many hours have I worked today...? you began to ask yourself, but the very thought made your mind begin to spin. You clutched your forehead and let out a long whimper.

You had been uneasily considering the option of approaching your boss on the matter, but you were scared stiff to do so. She wasn't a mean boss by any means- even telling you and your fellow co-workers that she saw mental health as incredibly important- yet you were still afraid at the looming concept of vulnerability.

Nevertheless, you were losing your mind at this point and realized you had not much left to lose, so you found your legs carrying you towards the manager's office. However, you met her part way there, nearly running into her in your daze.

"Uh, hi, can... can we talk...?" you asked her nervously, biting together an anxious grin.

The woman turned to face you properly, a smile lighting up her face. "Of course! But please make it quick. Another wave of customers are going to be needing to be tended to soon."

"Right..." you responded hesitantly, taking a little breath before explaining, "I've noticed lately that I have been doing a lot of hours- which I don't mind, working here is great... but..." You rubbed the back of your neck. "I've started not feeling so good because of it, and... I think I need a break." Having finished your piece, you braced yourself, waiting for her answer.

The manager blinked at you. "Oh, are you sick?" she asked. "You know you shouldn't come in if you're ill. We can't have customers getting sick."

"No, no," you answered quickly, then amended, "Well, not physically anyways. Or not in a typical sense, no-"

"Is this impacting your ability to do this job?"

Feeling stuck and worried to admit just how terrible you were truly feeling to your boss, you uncertaintly stammered, "Well... N-No, ma'am, but-"

"Then keep it up! You're doing great." She gave you an encouraging pat on the shoulder, then left you to stand there absolutely stunned. 

You felt a piece of your soul unvoluntarily crumble away.

Uramichi sat on the edge of his couch, his arm flexing as he idly curled the dumbbell in his hand. His eyes were focused on the TV screen, which was displaying the weather for the upcoming days.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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