Possession Obsession II

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Vic is about to 'pop'; Lucas attempts to build a crib, with little success.
He later abandoned the project to take his wife and young son to the
SEATTLE PIER (Andy, Robert, and THEIR young daughter tag along. Andy shocks
Vic, revealing that she had all but decided to leave the FD to stay at home with
the child she and Robert are expecting.

{For you here's a song, to make your day brighter.
One that will last, you long thru troubled days.
Giving your heart the light to brighten.
All of the dark that falls in your way
You need devotion. bless the children
deliverance from the fruits of evil

In everyone's life, there's a need to be happy.
Let the sun shine, a smile your way.
Open your heart, feel a touch of devotion.
Maybe this song, will help uplift your day.}


"FUCKTHAFUCKOFALLBUGGERINGFUCKS!" Such is Lucas Ripley's frustration with constructing the double crib for his soon to arrive son's siblings...FIRST, the instructions are in SWISS; SECOND: the instructions are in SWISS, and THIRD and LAST: The GoddamnMotherFuckingInstrcutionsAreInSWISS !

'OK'...he breathes deeply, again and once more, getting control of himself....downstairs in the kitchen Victoria Ripley, answering a 'kick' from inside her abdomen, rubs the eight-month, twenty-four-day bulge, and states "I KNOW, I KNOW...I've asked him not to curse like that, and does he listen? No, he does not...I SWEAR, babies that Father of yours..."

Lucas abandons the project for the time being; as takes the stairs down Vic calls up "Are you working on the crib, Babe?"

His long legs gobbling the steps two by two, Lucas mutters to himself "No, I'm up here fucking spiders."

"I hear everything you say, Mr. Man...hard yakka, huh?"

"Wellwellwell Mrs. Clucky! What's with my Brats this morning?" He stoops and kisses Vic's bump, then tosses in "We'll make an Aussie out of you yet!" He sits and digs into pancakes, sausage, that 'eggy' thing, and biscuits.

 Clucky! What's with my Brats this morning?" He stoops and kisses Vic's bump, then tosses in "We'll make an Aussie out of you yet!" He sits and digs into pancakes, sausage, that 'eggy' thing, and biscuits

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Indicating the sausage links, Vic asked "What are these in 'your language', again?"

Swallowing, he grinned and replied with his own question: "Do you mean English ?"

"A.S.S.H.O.L.E." Vic spelled out.

From his playpen in a corner of the dining room, their firstborn crowed "A...SSSH...HO!"

"Quiet, you!" his mother lovingly admonished him.


"No; you."

"NO, YOU, Mommy!"

They go back and forth a few more times until Vic finally said "Alright; that's enough Sir: let's get some 'um' in you."

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