Of and on the plane

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The plane ride went rather smoothly, most of the time I just sat daydreaming and listening to music. Landing was the worst part. My sister in case you didn’t notice likes to complain. A lot! So when we landed she was whining the whole time,

“My ears hurt so much!” she whined.  My ears also hurt, so I was temped to comment about how wimpy she was, but I bit my tongue.

My mom, being the kind of person who wants to avoid arguments, got her a piece of gum and instructed her to chew. I scowled at the window, daring Lilly to speak to me.

“So, what are you looking forward too, Anna?” she cheerily asked me. Turning around reluctantly, I responded, “Relaxing, what about you?” In my mind I added, away from you.

Our conversation continued, as I pretended to be interested in her shoes, shopping and a boy named Oliver. How does she do this? Go on and on…and on.

“So what do you want to talk about now?” Lilly asked, pausing to check her make-up in her mirror. My mind raced trying to think of an answer…something that she would talk about.

“BOOKS! I mean..books! Yeah! What have you read that was good? Your favorite, and  stuff like that!” I replied, feeling awkward.

“Oh! I read the best book the other day! Divergent, but I also really love Maze Runner, and Maximum Ride! What about you? What is your favorite?” Lilly said happily, feeling like we could have a nice conversation on this topic.

“I love Harry Potter and Percy Jackson!” I declared, “And many others.” Looking at each other surprised, we continued our discussion; our first civil one for a while. 

“Plane Landing, please go to your seats!” The speaker said overhead. Before we knew it, we where once more on the ground. My mom, pulling out her camera, waved my family over to the window in the plane station and before I knew it she was snapping pictures saying things like, “A family bonding moment.”

Embarrassed, I walked to the snack area to get a bag of chips. Why did my mom do that, everyone was staring! Great, now I care about how I look! I am turning into Lilly, oh no!

“That would be $1.25 miss. Miss!” the man at the counter said trying to get my attention.  Opps, blushing, I hand him the money and avoid his stare as I take the 75 cents change. 

“Anna, over here!” my mom calls. I hurry over, and start to eat my chips.  She starts to go over our plans for the trip. I faze her out, until she came to the rom plans.

“And you, Lilly and Anna, will bunk together.” At this, I stop with a chip halfway to my mouth. I turn to stare at Lilly, but she is already talking to my mom.

“No! We cannot bunk together! You remember last time?” At this question, I stare at my lap. She was talking about a trip we took, 3 years ago. Lilly and I where both younger, and we had to bunks together on a trip in Florida, it went. Horribly. I am not lying; we ended up having to separate the bunk beds just for us to stop annoying each other enough to sleep.

While Lilly argued with my mom, I noticed her taking my chips.

“Lilly!” I scolded her, “Stop eating my chips!” She pretended to think for a minute, with her finger on her chin.

“Let me think…no!” she told me this while she was eating one of my chips. My jaw dropped, she did not dare to take another.

“Then you owe my $1,50,” I demanded, “Pay up now!” She looked around sheepishly before shrugging and answering,

“I have no money.” I didn’t believe it for one minute. She always had money even when she didn’t want to buy anything. Therefore, she had to have some now, on the way to a cruise.

“I don’t believe it, not even for a minute,” I complained, “You are filthy rich.” I watched as she looked around trying to get out of paying, giving up, she stuck her hand into her frilly pink bag, eventually pulling out a thick wallet. This took a long time; she had to fish throw many, many, many lip-glosses and such.

“How much?” was her question, her heavily colored eyes frowning at me. I told her the price, and she threw the money at me, and then she stormed off to buy her own bag.  I watched her pull out $1.50, and then take a quarter back.

“It was only $1.25! 25 cents! Not 50!” she screeched, “Why did you charge more!”

“Opps, did I not mention interest?”

“Interest? On chips?”


“Grrr” she mumbled, walking away to my parents. Oh how fun this was!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2013 ⏰

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