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Elsa's P.O.V
"Anna hurry up we have to get out of here!" I whisper to my sister Anna. We have finally gotten the opertunitie to get away from our abusive parents. We made our way out of our rooms which ate locked every night. I found the key when I was sneaking around the house. As we quietly made our way out of the house I see a light turn on. I take my sisters hand and yanked it into the woods. "What is going on!" Anna asks. "I saw mom and daddys light go on. Anna gasped and we ran a little faster. We hear our mom yell out our names and say a few curse words. And then I hear my dad come out of the house. My eyes widen I look back and find that both fire and ice are covering the ground. Me and my sister both have powers and that is the reason why our parents beat us. They don't believe in and uniqueness all they ever wanted was to be a normal family. Every time we reveal our powers we get beaten until our parents have had enough and each time it gets worse. Once we get far enough into the woods we fall down and go to sleep.
Anna's P.O.V
To be honest I was really scared when going into the woods tonight because I didn't want my sister to get hurt. If she got hurt I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
We were both woken up by a huge bang. We saw a fire and ran for our lives. "OMG RUNN!!!!!" Elsa shouted. We ran deeper into the woods away from the fire at top speed. I ran for my life. When we stood I was ready to pass out, but Elsa on the other hand could run for hours she was used to running. She had tried for years to get out of that house.
Elsa's P.O.V
When we stopped running we saw what looked like a lake but when we reached it we saw it was only a small puddle. We both sighed at the same time we haven't had anything to drink for a long time and I desperately needed water. if we got in trouble I wouldn't be able to use my ice powers. We walked until we saw a small cottage right in the middle of the woods.

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