Meeting the big 4

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Jacks P.O.V
I was just to finally lay down after a hard day when a heard loud screaming. What is that I thought as I got out of bed a checked outside the window. And that's when I saw her, the most beautiful girl in the whole world. She had bright blue eyes and really white blonde hair. She had one braid down the side of her lady shoulder . The way it fell down her shoulder made her even more beautiful. I stared at her for a while and then I realized I'm dating Punzie. I can't have a crush on another girl that's just wrong. But this girl is just too beautiful. No no no just stop Jack I screamed in my head. Just then I saw another girl come into the picture. This the girl had strawberry brown hair. She also had bright blue eyes. She had lots of freckles as well. This girl also had her hair in two braids down on each shoulder. She was pretty but not as pretty has the other girl. Wait hold up why were they running? Why were they screaming. Then I realized they were looking strait at me.
Elsa's P.O.V
"ANNA, WHERE ARE YOU!?" I screamed in horror as I look for my sister frantically.
"I'm right behind you." I quickly turned around. I sighed in relief and hugged my sister so tightly she was gasping for breath. "Sorry," I said. Anna just smiled at me. I was relived we had gotten away from our parents. I looked up at the cottage and saw a boy, a very handsome boys staring at me. Then he just disappeared. 
Repunzles P.O.V
I heard a scream and I went running to my window picking up my hair along the way. When I got to the window I saw to girls out in the cold. I couldn't tell if the were shivering, so I ran downstairs and whipped the door open.    "Hey you two girls come inside out if the cold."
"The cold really never bothered me anyway," one of the girls said.
"Well it bothers me," the other girl said.
"By the way my name is Repunzle."
"Hello Repunzle. My name is Anna and this is my sister Elsa." said Anna
"Hello. Please now come inside and meet the rest of the big 4," I said.
Elsa's P.O.V
We walked inside the cottage was huge. we walked some more and then we came to the kitchen where three people were standing. One was the boy that was staring at me. Repunzle introduced us to Merida, Jack, and Hiccup. Then she showed us to our rooms and we fell

A/N I'm sorry for the long wait I really hope was worth it.

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