Chapter 13//Dangerous Missions

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•In that point of time, I had to decide, but believe my words: I still love you, Doctor... ~ Maria's Theme(Mad Father) - Loyalty•(Song above if you care enough to listen ^-^)

Dina's Pov

I jogged over to Ova. She led me to my mirrored alleyway. "What?" I asked

"I promised I would bring his loved ones. Family, friends, etc. so can you?" She begged, her cat ears flopped downwards as she gave me her best 'Kitten Look'(It's basically Puppy dog eyes but she's a cat sooo..)

I sighed, "Fine.. but only for Kyle."

I concentrated on Kyles life. I was able to go into his memories. I saw a kid with blood red hair and deep crimson eyes. Then there was a little girl with white hair and light silver eyes. They don't look like REAL silver eyes.
Then I saw another girl, a cat girl just like Ova, she had long black hair and she only wore black clothes. I wonder.... what's her power?
I dug deeper and, there they are, Kyles parents. But, his mom was actually being..... NICE! What happened to make her normal? His dad, still is never around. I think he might be having an affair, but that's none of my business.

I touched a mirror and focused on the first person I noticed. The mirror showed the boy and I walked through.
But when I stepped through fully, it wasn't the bedroom where the boy was. I was in a cold, dark room.

I looked straight ahead, there was a door. I walked towards it but as soon as I took my first step it opened.

A little girl, her black hair was up in a messy bun and she wore a black tank top with a stripes black and white top underneath. She had white and black cut off shorts, fishnet gloves and tights and knee high boots.

I focused on her facial features and she had a black and white eye patch over her right eye. It had a while heart in the middle. Her left eye was a pretty dark blue. Her skin was almost a ghostly white, but it still shone beautifully in the light.

"..? Who're you?" I asked curiously.

"I could ask you the same question..." She said emotionlessly, "What do you think you're trying to do, saving the demon boy. He's bound to die, why don't you just accept it and forget about him?" She added.

"Wh--" I was shocked she even said something like that. She was so small, she looked so young. "It's my duty to retrieve him." I responded.

"Tch. I'm going to give you a one-time warning." She started, "If you don't back off, I'll have to take action. And trust me, you don't want that." She finished, looking me dead in the eyes.

"I can't." I said.

She sighed in annoyance, "Fine. If that's how you're gonna be."

She took her eye patch off and revealed her crimson eye underneath it.

I watched in awe as her right eye started to glow and she was quickly changed into a different pair of clothes.

She had black bandages on her arms and legs, crimson bandages covering her boobs and vaginal areas. She had a crimson vest and a black scarf. Her eyes started leaking a black fluid and she grew large black and crimson horns. A large crimson tail made itself visible.

As she finished a bunch of little red and black flower petals surrounded her and quickly dissolved. She gave a small smile and I could see she grew a fang.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Wh-- For what?" I asked.

"For me. Duh." She sassily replied.

"I guess?" I said rubbing the back of my head.

She laughed menacingly and charged at me. I backed away and dogged all her attacks.

I lost my footing and she was able to scratch my chest and neck with sharp little nails. "Agh!" I shouted in pain.

I felt warm, thick liquid trickle down my neck and chest. She cut through the first layer of my skin. "Dammit." I whispered.

I saw her small smirk again. She had a black mist around her and in a split second she charged again. This time, bitting my arm.

I felt her sharp little fang dig into my arm. I felt every layer of skin break open the harder she pressed. "AHHH!!" I screamed.

She let go and licked her lips, "Mmmm. You know, you taste pretty good." She laughed.

"Sh-Shut up!" I yelled at her.

I focused on my energy and started climbing up the wall like a spider. I closed my eyes and felt all the wounds on my body grow cold and begin to close up.

I heard a hissing noise and opened my eyes, only to see her flying towards my face. I moved over and watched as she face planted the wall and fell down to the floor. "A-Ahhh..." I heard her whimper.

I started to laugh. That was really funny. It was like one of those videos of the people walking into walls and stuff. I thought to myself.

"Shut up!" She blushed as she got up and dusted her bandages. "It's not funny!" She pouted.

"Yes it is." I said, laughing more.

I jumped down and landed on my feet. I walked up to her and booped her nose.

"H-Hey!" She blushed more and bit my finger.

"OW!!" I yelled and kicked her in the shin.

I walked away and reached the door. I looked at the little girl, who I suppose gave up, and walked out the door.

Okeyyy ^-^ That's all for now! Hope you enjoyed! x

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