relationship problems??????

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I got married with Fiona and have 3 kids now but I actually got bored of her... Dont get me wrong I actually loved her but I didn't knew she's was bitch. Yes you heard me she's a bitch. I regret marrying her, like who marries someone who he just met for a few days, me I did..

I wanna divorce her  but I have them kids..
I never liked them tho.. I asked Fiona to abort them but that bitch never listened like girl I know I won't be a good dad like I am an ogre. I know I know that hoe is an ogre too BUT she's like a HUMAN ogre and a Woman so yeah..

ANDD she always gets mad at me if i yell at those brats, she acts like she never yells at me..

The worst part is that we can't fuck, 'my childeren' always cry when I try to rip her clothes of. She cries too but that doesn't matter tho.
You probably wonder why I used this --------> '...' it's because I think she cheated on me with that little guy.
What's his name again??
Wait lemme check. Ah yes his name is  Lord Maximus Farquaad.

I need to get ride of them maybe that will help our relationship...

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