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After a few minutes, Ryujin wasn't exactly sure how long, Yeji pulled away and wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her jumper. "Please could I have the hot chocolate?"

"Of course." Ryujin said, stroking Yeji's hair, a gesture she knew often comforted the other, except Yeji quickly moved her head away to stop her. Ryujin blinked, saddened by the reaction, but said nothing and went over to flick the switch on the kettle. Preparing the mug and chocolate powder while Yeji went and sat on her bed, fiddling aimlessly with one of Ryujin's stuffed toys.

An strange awkwardness fell over them as the water in the kettle came to the boil. Ryujin poured it into the mug, stirring the drink carefully with a teaspoon, the clinking at least providing an escape from the otherwise silent room. Ryujin handed the hot beverage to Yeji who nodded a thank you before taking a small sip. Ryujin desperately wanted to uncover what was going on with her friend so she tried broaching the topic as gently as possible.

"Do you want to talk about what happened or...?" She saw Yeji's sipping halt as she lowered the mug in her hands.

"I-I don't know that I can." She replied quietly, looking everywhere but Ryujin.

"I'm not going to judge anything if that's the problem." Ryujin quickly said, knowing it must be serious if Yeji wasn't even attempting to tell her. They usually told each other everything, Ryujin already knew about Yeji's mum and how controlling she could be, so what could have happened between them that was so bad Ryujin wasn't allowed to hear. "I mean look at me and my life." She continued, "There's nothing I can even attempt to judge you for."

Yeji was quiet.

Ryujin pulled her chair from where she'd left it by the window and positioned it in front of where Yeji was sitting on her bed and sat on it facing her.

"Please Yeji, you always told me it's bad to keep stuff bottled in and I hate seeing you like this." Yeji's eyebrows creased and her lips wobbled.

"I just..." she sighed in a sad frustration. "Earlier I was chatting with my mum and she mentioned how it was ridiculous I hadn't got a boyfriend by now, you know how she is, and said that I should find someone I liked." Ryujin pursed her lips in understanding as Yeji took a shaky breath before continuing, "So I told her I actually did like someone but she laughed and said she didn't believe me because she's never seen me hang out with any guys, let alone show interest in them. So I told her that I... I didn't like guys and I actually liked girls instead." Yeji winced as she said the last part but Ryujin simply stared, thoughts zipping through her head. She didn't know what to say. Fortunately Yeji carried on anyway, "My mum thought I was joking and said I must be must be mistaken until I convinced her I wasn't joking and had feelings for another girl. She told me that I was disgusting and about how disappointed she was and..." Yeji's voice cracked as did Ryujins heart.

"I'm so sorry she said that." Ryujin said gently. She saw a few tears running down the other girl's face and quickly removed the hot mug from Yeji's shaking hands and placed it on her desk before hugging her again, this time Yeji sobbing quietly into Ryujin's chest.

"She's wrong by the way." Ryujin then said, stroking circles onto Yeji's back, "You're not disgusting." Yeji slowly looked up at her.

"But I'm-"

"You're beautiful Yeddeong." Ryujin didn't even want to let Yeji finish whatever self-depreciative sentence she had started. "It doesn't matter if you like girls or not."

Suddenly Yeji's frown crumpled into a smile, a look of relief washing over her. "You don't mind?"

"Of course I don't mind." Ryujin said softly, holding the other girl's hands in her own. "As long as whoever you like loves you more than anything else and treats you like the actual angel that you are, I don't care who they are, as long as you're happy."

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