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Suddenly craving distraction from her never ceasing guilty thoughts she pulled out her phone. It was then that she noticed a notification badge showing on her music app. Curious she clicked on it, but as soon as she saw what it was for her heart clenched.

It was an announcement that one of the artists she followed had recently released new music and of course lo and behold it was from the one person she was trying to stop herself from thinking about, a new single posted underneath her profile called 'Domino'. Yeji gritted her teeth and considered whether she should listen to it. If she did it may only serve to perpetuate her current emotional state. But perhaps instead it might bring some sort of comfort. She had always loved Ryujin's voice and her songwriting. The husky yet silky vocals never failed to melt her ears and warm her heart every time she listened.

He fingers hovered over the play button. She felt her stomach tightening. Her brain urged her to press it, telling her she should always support her friend, whether she had to do it from afar or not. But her heart hesitated, worried for what she might hear.

Gulping down her anxieties she started the song, the first few notes playing warmly through her earphones, drowning out the noises of the bustling city surrounding her. The drum beat kicking in as she sat silently listening to the words pouring through. At first Yeji felt elated, a smile trickling onto her face at the love-filled lyrics. She knew Ryujin always wrote from personal experience, meaning she'd clearly been happy when writing this until suddenly a horrible feeling settled deep inside her. Paying more attention to the words a troubling thought rose to the forefront of her mind.

Was the song about her?

Yeji's smile dropped and her face felt numb as she listened to the rest of the words. The now hollow promises and false statements Ryujin was singing about, that she knew deep down were written for her, were like punches to the gut. A sense of emptiness consuming and constricting her.

Barely aware she was doing it, Yeji began to cry, tears streaming down her cheeks. Even after the song had finished and she'd ripped out her earphones she could still feel the hot liquid leaking from her eyes. How had everything gone so wrong? Why did she have to lose the one person in life that could make her truly happy? Ryujin would never want to speak to her again. She probably didn't even li-


Yeji froze. It couldn't be.

"Yeji are you ok?"

Yeji slowly turned her head and looked up at the person who'd spoken. Her tear filled eyes meeting Ryujin's own.


"I- I didn't want to bother you. But I saw you were crying and I just..."

Immediately Yeji stood up and flung her arms around the shorter girl, sobbing into her shoulder before she hastily pulled away, realizing she was in no position to demand a hug. She stared at Ryujin's expression, and saw a brokenness hidden under her current surprise.

"Ryujin I am so so sorry. I never meant to cut you off and ignore you. I- things happened and I messed up."

Ryujin's face fell. "It's ok, I understand."

"You do?" Yeji was astounded, how could she forgive her so easily?

"Yeah, I'm sorry for taking things too far. I shouldn't have assumed and pushed myself on you. I get it if you don't want to be friends anymore." Ryujin's voice cracked as she spoke.

"What!? No!" Yeji's mouth fell open, her heart cracking from the weight of the guilt pressing down on it. "You didn't... that's not why I stopped talking to you." She cried.

Domino (Ryeji)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant