hiding spot

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*King's POV*

I managed to escape The Collector's clutches, I managed to hide in the massive crowd of weak witches. I don't think he saw me so thank tita- me for that.

Suddenly, I heard The collector make an announcement that we had 10 minutes to hide, barely anyone moved but I didn't waste a second, I sprinted off looking for a hiding spot, while still trying to stay out of sight. Then, I heard another announcement that whoever gets found will die, now everyone started running around, either panicking or finding a hiding spot but I don't have time to just stare at them, I need to hide.

I tried many hiding spots but I couldn't find any good ones, I lost my collar so I couldn't just turn invisible. That would have been so useful right now..
I was still running around unable to find a good hiding spot when another announcement was made
Shoot! I really need to find a hiding spot!
I rapidly searched for a hiding spot, still unable to find one.

Suddenly, someone picked me up and ran, I couldn't see who it was because they were invisible. I don't want to but I have to trust this person cuz if not, I will probably die if I didn't. This person took me THROUGH A WALL to the best hiding spot ever, which I'm guessing is their's. We go further into it, even though it looks like it is impossible to do so... how did this person even find this place When??

When we get into it I see two girls. One with brown hair and one...Wa! Is that Emira Blight?
"You ok little guy?" I hear the brown haired one say
"Yes, how did you find this place?" I say in awe
The person behind me puts me down and starts breathing heavily, I turn around to see that it was Edric Blight
"Well when you pull a lot of pranks, you need somewhere to hide" Edric says with a little laugh
Whilst he is talking, I notice something around his neck
"What is that around your neck?"
"I don't know, I picked it up cuz it looked cool"
"He insisted on taking it even though it looked broken" Emira chuckled, rolling her eyes
He took it off his neck to reveal .. WA! THE PORTAL KEY!
"WAIT! THE WHAT!?" I hear Emira yell
"QUIET!" The other one whisper-yelled
"Sorry Viney"
Ok, the brown haired one is Viney, got it.

I knew exactly what I needed to do, I need my blood..

I look around looking for something sharp.
"What are you doing?" Emira asked
"Looking for something sharp"
"I have this" Edric pulled out a sharp piece of glass, he passes it to me. I have no idea why he has it but it should suffice.
"So why do you need it?" Asked Viney
"So we can get out of here" And with that I swiped it across my arm.

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