past and powers explained part 1

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the next day came as i woke up and it was the weekend and i decided to come straight to jess to explain how i don't feel pain and where i come from and what caused me to have my powers but what i would tell her would shock her cause i had to each time chage school because they were tracking me down but as i went to metropolis school and met jess i told myself to stay here and become a hero as i did back in my past life or what remains of it.

so i went to my room and went to my laptop, opened it up and entered some commands and clicked enter.


jess was finishing with the posters about cleaning the enviroment when her phone was about to ring.

jessica: alright all done now to-

before to was about to finish her sentence her phone was ringing and when she picked it up and saw that it said "unknown caller id" she knew it was me and picked up.

jessica: let me guess y/n.

y/n: pretty much.

i then sensed an amount of awkwardness so i decided to tell her the truth.

y/n: we need to talk.

as i could tell that was her response was shocked but i needed to get it of my chest.

jessica: i was about to say the same but alright*getting awkward again* so where do you wanna meet.

y/n: my place not far from here its y/s/n.

jessica: okay i'll get my car and by the way yhat was generous of and i really appreciate it.

y/n: me too, see ya then.

jessica: you too.

she then hung up as i knew it would take her so i decided to kill the time by working on my car

first i cleaned it before opening the hood and filling in the water(its revealed in the next chapter on why its run on water just be patient) then i made sure it pack in the trunk couple litres of water then i packed an axle stand, my toolbox an a...

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first i cleaned it before opening the hood and filling in the water(its revealed in the next chapter on why its run on water just be patient) then i made sure it pack in the trunk couple litres of water then i packed an axle stand, my toolbox an amplified router, then some of mine homemade achievement weapons and lastlyi inserted a stereo that could play even gone or unrealesed songs just in case.

then i went outside to sit on a sidewalk while it was raining and i didn't mind that not even a bit as the rain water washed over my visor.

as i sat there i started remembering bits and bits of my past or what remained before it was wiped but not removed.

and what is it you ask i want well its simple i want justice for what he had done to me for what they have done to me etc.

but thats another story for another day.

to be continued....

the lonely cyborg( male nanobot reader x jessica cruz)Where stories live. Discover now