part 1

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My world had gone dark.
Well, only for a few moments, as I felt myself plummet into what felt like an endless void I suddenly jolted awake. I raised my shoulders with a gasp, and let my eyes swarm around. "Potter! You blacked out, are you okay?!" exclaimed Boris, my best friend. I had met Boris two years prior, when I moved to Vegas to live with my dad. After only a few months we became inseparable, basically living with eachother. I suddenly felt a wave of nausea pass over me, and leaned over to puke. As I wiped my face with the sleeve of my sweater, I glanced over at Boris, who was staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed. I snorted and leaned towards him. "Stop looking all worried and shit, I'm fine. I probably just drank too much." Boris rolled his eyes and me and stood up. "Is too late to walk home now, better stay here for the night." I nodded and followed him to the kitchen as he found the supplies to clean my vomit off the floor.

That night ended as many do, me and Boris sprawled out on his couch, his arms wrapped around mine, and his occasional muttering that I couldn't understand. To anyone else, it may seem that me and Boris know. I mean I'll admit, there's been some moments between us, but never when we are sober. We never talk about it, talking about it would make it real.

To my surprise, when I woke up Boris was fully dressed with his book bag draped across one shoulder. That's when it hit me, it was Monday. I groaned and rolled my face into the couch cushions, pretending to sob. "Boo hoo Potter, vstavay!" I turned to him, "Kakiye?" I questioned. Boris had a habit of speaking to me in Russian or Ukrainian, and although I have picked up quite a few phrases, I was definitely not fluent. Boris handed me a glass of water "For hangover! Water fixes everything, eh" I scoffed, "For fucks sake Boris! No it does not!" Boris pretended to cry, "Potters in bad mood, yes?" I pushed him aside and went up to him room to borrow some clothes to wear.

Me and Boris made it to school by 11:30, we were able to catch the last bus, which was filled with old people and druggies. Me and Boris parted ways, and I walked over to my locker to see none other than Kotku. To be fair, Kotku isn't her real name, I just never felt the need to learn the name of such a hoe. She was Boris' girlfriend for months, until she left him for some 20 year old she met at a party. Boris was head over heels in love with her, Kotku this, Kotku that, always ditching me to go hangout with her. I guess she thought I had a thing for her, which obviously wasn't true. Something about her just made me angry, especially when she was around Boris. I pushed her aside and opened my locker. "Excuse you Theo" She grumbled, walking closer to me. "Where's Boris, I need to talk to him. That son of a bitch stole my weed last time I saw him." I smirked, thinking back on how me and Boris smoked her weed together a few days back, and than turned to Kotku. "I doubt he has it, and if he does he's probably used it already, you know Boris." She rolled her eyes and stormed off. Me and Boris' friendship became much better after Kotku or Kylie or Kayla or whatever her name is broke up with him, I don't know what changed but I just feel better around him. I guess it may have been jealousy.

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