part 2

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Boris' dad was scheduled to come home that night, so after school we walked back to my house together. I tugged at the collar of my shirt and sighed. "Why does it have to be so hot out here, it's October and still warm as fuck!" Boris grinned, "We live in desert Potter, that's how it is." He tilted his umbrella towards me and I shifted closer to him as we continued down the dusty road. "Hey Boris, Kotku asked about her weed today, she seemed pissed at you." Boris let out some noise of frustration "What a whore! She sleeps with other man and the weed is what she's worried about, mudak!"

Soon enough we made it home, Xandra and my dad were on some discounted cruise for the week, so of course they left me back to watch the house (and Xandra's dog Popper). Popper, or Popchik as Boris and I call him, started yapping as soon as we opened the door. Boris scooped him up in his arms and started cooing in Russian. I went to the fridge and grabbed us each a beer, tossing one at Boris. We made our way up to my room, and Boris started yelling nonsense as soon as he spotted something on my floor. "My book! Have been looking for this all day!" he exclaimed, a wide grin spread across his face. I nodded, and fell back onto my bed. Boris suddenly jolted up and flipped next to me on the bed. "Ey! We have no school tomorrow!" I turned to face him, obviously confused. "American holiday, Colombus day! We can stay up and get high!" I felt a smile stretch over me and climbed out of bed. I started rummaging through one of my desk drawers, and found a bag containing some weed. I held it up to Boris and he made a cheering motion, leaning towards me.

The high started wearing off around 1am. By that point, me and Boris were both half naked laying by the pool. We had jumped in the water, as we've done countless times while drunk or high, and Boris was reading to me out of the book he found in my room. At some point, I looked over at him, his wet hair and high cheekbone. Boris definitely wasn't the definition of attractive, but for some reason I always thought of him as good looking. Looking at him under the stars I realized how beautiful he actually was, and for some reason I felt my cheeks flame up. "I can see you staring Potter", he mumbled as I quickly turned my eyes away. "I wasn't staring at you dickhead" I snapped, and sat up. Ever since Kotku and Boris broke up, I thought a lot about Boris. I can't really understand these feelings, which scares the living hell out of me. But sometimes, just sometimes, all I wanted was to be close to him. I wanted him to gaze at me like I would at him, sometimes I would even catch myself thinking about how his lips would taste on mine. I knew these feelings were probably wrong, but deep down I couldn't help it.

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