Where it all started

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Your pov:

Its dark and i walking home on my own for fucks sake i knew i should of called one of my friends to see if could get a lift and now i am lost in a alley way.


What the fuck was that ok breathe you will be alright.Oh no a dead end umm what do i do.

Kidnappers pov:

'There come on boys lets get her' i whispered where on earth is she going maybe she is lost perfect


'What on earth' i whispered loudly as i hid.
'Sorry i walked into this barrel thingy' one of my accomplises said to me.
'You fucking idiot'

We snuck up on her and grabbed jeeze she is strong as hell.

Your pov:

'Ahhhh!' i screamed as these people took me away i kicked,punched and screamed but the gagged me and they continued to take carry me away so i just went limp there is no use trying they are way to strong. Great in the back of a van chained to the wall wait what is this ga...

* 7 Hours later *

Your pov:

Yay i am not dead but where the hell am i , what am i wearing is this a tail .

Kidnappers pov:

' Well hello it's nice to see your finnally awake,i was getting a bit worried if we put to much gas in the back of the van but here you alive and well'
i said.
She is very pretty and seeing her dressed as a kitten is adorable but i can't keep her she is needed for the auction. I also don't think she has realized she isn't gagged anymore but oh well.
'Now you are going to be good and crawl on that stage when you here your name do you understand' i asked her smirking.
'Y-yes s-sir' she replied sounding pathetic.

'Now will Y/n L/n pls come on the stage' said the auction man outside.
I gestered for her to go on and she was looking nervous.

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