Facts about yeonja ( updated)

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- Yeonja is not dating anyone, right now she is completely single.
- Yeonja has eye bags and also dealt with mental health issues.
- Yeonja left Stray kids around Maniac Era, due to her mental health issues.
- Yeonja works part time in a flower shop and bakery.
- Many Stays believed that Yeonja helped Hongjoong and the choreographer for Guerrilla.
- Yeonja prefers to be private about her home and who she is with.
- Yeonja dealt with insomnia, but gotten cured during her Hiatus.
- Yeonja used to work with S.E.S, H.O.T, and Shinhwa as a back up dancer
- Yeonja's first loves is Han and Changbin
- Yeonja still keeps in contact with the boys and JYP
- Yeonja was one of the people who helped Choreography Gorilla for Pentagon, Bad love By Key, NCT Chain, and so many more.

- Yeonja was seen in public and she was very kind and opened and has not talked about going solo or coming back to be the 9th member of Stray kids. She still supports them but wishes to take a break from Idoling.
- Yeonja has no more social media but has Instagram but is highly monitored

- Yeonja says, she has a not so good relationship with her god siblings because they have not treated her well and that one of her god sister is pregnant so she congratulated her and that's all, but has not received a message that she thanked her.
- she has a good relationship with her mother and step father
- Yeonja Las seen looking unhealthily but now is very healthy.

- there are rumors that she is dating either Park Jimin, Jhope, or Namjoon. She has not confirmed it and denied those rumors,until she came out saying " we are just friends, nothing more. "

- Yeonja says that she deals with hate even when she ended her contract with JYP.

- Yeonja is now modeling ( which fans was trying to find a new update on Yeonja's life ) on fried chicken and soju commercial.

- Yeonja was planning on going to the military and serving South Korea. Which everntually actually happened and she returned back safely.

- Yeonja was seen in an Airport very tired and kindly waved at fans and even took some pictures with them.

- Yeonja has been silent over her recent updates back home and health but decided to talk about it a little bit.

- Yeonja was seen crying and one eye had a tear while the other one did not have.

- Yeonja made her first album and it is leaked out, she said she has not dropped it at all but someone found it.

- Yeonja was seen with a boy holding hands and fans believed looking at the black hair that it was Felix but she talked about it confirming it that they are just friends and are just hanging out.

- many people wanted Yeonja to date one of the members but she said that she wants to keep it as friendship and nothing more since she still focused on herself.

- Yeonja was seen gaming in a place in Korea and eating some corn dogs and drinking lemonade.

- when Yeonja ate mangos immediately all the Mangos in Korea was sold out so fast in just one day.
- Yeonja said she never drinks alcohol even when she turned like 21 years old.

- Yeonja talked about how she had really bad influence friends who have done alcohol, drugs, and other things and so she stopped hanging out with them since they hurted her really badly.

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