Chapter Six

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Rose, Ivy and Devon continued to strucked down more Kelzacks. Now all the rangers were managed to dispatched the last remaining Kelzacks.

Time Force Blue: " Are you guys alright?"

Sky Defender Red: " You're just in time Lucas."

Time Force Blue: " Drakkon takes control over the Planet Zillion."

Psycho Pink: " Just as I thought. That is where the most dangerous criminal bounty hunters were jailed."

Pink Overdrive Ranger: " We should worry that if he dares to invade Earth."

Psycho Pink: " He's plan to build an army in that planet. Then, his target will be Miranoi, Aquitar, Andrisia and KO-35."

Navy Thunder Ranger: " Then, we need to make a new strategy in order to withstand the attacks from Drakkon's forces."

Sky Defender Red: " Somehow, I wish I have a new plan from the beginning."

Nightfall, Rose returned to her room and laid in her bed and reading comic books and magazines as she placed her barefoot on the pillow.

Rose Ortiz: " Oh man. I'm reallt get nervous."

Then, Ivy showed up.

Ivy: " Are you still not sleeping?"

Rose Ortiz: " I was wondering about Drakkon's plan."

Ivy: " What Drakkon's plan is he wants to rule the entire universe just like Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd did. But we need to watched out for possible Drakkon's recruited new rangers. That would be more problematic if they become part of Drakkon's army."

Rose Ortiz: " Maybe. This could be a lot of problems if it happens."

Ivy: " We also need to formed a new ranger army as well. But I think I put my trust on Marty since he is an excellent leader of the Ranger Grid Military Task Force."

Rose Ortiz: " He is an excellent leader indeed. Now he got himself a new female blue ranger as his second-in-command."

Meanwhile, Terra Nova Blue and Terra Nova Yellow were standing at the cliff.

Terra Nova Yellow: " Are you happy now that we are part of Drakkon's army?"

Terra Nova Blue: " I like this power and I can do whatever I want."

Terra Nova Yellow: " We can take on the challenge against the other rangers of Earth.'

Terra Nova Blue: " I've planned that too earlier."

Terra Nova Yellow: " Anyway, we should be start our training session as soon as possible."

Terra Nova Blue: " You're right. Because we are now part of Lord Drakkon's army and we are prepared for that."

Terra Nova Yellow: " I agree with you. Who know what is next for his plans."

The next morning, Rose is driving her car to the nearby car wash where he saw Mack, the Red Overdrive Ranger.

Rose Ortiz: " Hey Mack!"

Mack Hartford: " Rose, I'm glad to see you again."

Rose Ortiz: " I didn't know that you are working at the carwash station."

Mack Hartford: " Yes I did. Because this was my first job."

Rose Ortiz: " Dax, Ronny, Will and Tyzonn hasn't seen you or spoken to you ever since we got our separate ways."

Mack Hartford: " They are busy often. To be honest with you, I'd rather focus on my work rather than hanging out with the goofs like Dax or anyone else."

Rose Ortiz: " Me and Ronny are not goofs you know."

Mack Hartford: " Maybe."

Rose Ortiz: " To be honest with you, I'm still an active pink ranger due to some suspected new alien attack again."

Mack Hartford: " I hope the other lads would be awared of their surroundings."

Rose Ortiz: " I hope so."

Meanwhile, Marty, Amy, Ivy, Devon, Lucas and Cam were working on monitoring Drakkon in Planet Zillion.

Cam Watanabe: " Looks like Drakkon has found his new recruits."

Ivy: " Terra Nova Power Rangers."

Marty Stepples: " That is a latest Danzo's new recruits."

Amy Yamasaki: " Why is SPD A-Squad Rangers with Drakkon?"

Marty Stepples: " I thought the A-Squad were in jailed."

Amy Yamasaki: " Someone from SPD acted as a spy and helped them to escaped."

Marty Stepples: " I'll try to contact the SPD."

Cam Watanabe: " They used that planet to rebuilt new zords and also working on reviving Serpenterra."

Devon Daniels: " That might not be good."

Marty Stepples: " For now we need to monitoring their movements."

Lucas Kendall: " This would become more chaotic of Drakkon build an army in preparation to invade Earth."

Marty Stepples: " You mean other ranger worlds from other dimensions."

Ivy: " That might not be good if that happened."

Devon Daniels: " We need all the help we can get."

Marty Stepples: " Then, we need to built a ranger army too."

Cam Watanabe: " You're right Marty."

Meanwhile, in the harbour, Zurgane attacked the Ninja Storm Rangers from behind. The five rangers started to morphed.

Shane, Tori & Dustin: " Ninja Storm, Ranger Form!"

Blake & Hunter: " Thunder Storm, Ranger!"

Shane morphed into Red Wind Ranger.

Tori morphed into Blue Wind Ranger.

Dustin morphed into Yellow Wind Ranger.

Blake morphed into Navy Thunder Ranger.

Hunter morphed into Crimson Thunder Ranger.

Zurgane: " Ready for your demise?"

Navy Thunder Ranger: " Bring it on chowder-head!"

Now the five Ninja Storm Rangers were started fighting the Zurgane as he brought the Kelzacks.

Blue Wind Ranger: " Here we go again. Kelzacks."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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