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2 months later

Bunny's p.o.v.

"Bunny, table 4 needs refills" my coworker Maya yelled to me as I walked out of the kitchen with a plate of food in hand. "I'll get to it after I serve table 8" I responded as I sat a plate in front of the diner. I refilled the diner's drink before turning around to take an order. "Hi what can I get for you to drink" I said as I turned around to see Ryker. "Shit" I said as his eyes trailed to my small baby bump. "I think we need to talk" he said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me outside. "Is it mine?" He asked me aggressively. "Yes" I said trying to act like I wasn't scared shitless.

"Why didn't you tell me the minute you found out" he questioned me. "Cause I didn't intend on ever telling you" I answered honestly. "Really" he said quietly, I could tell he was hurt. "Yes, I didn't think you wanted to raise a baby with someone you only intended on fucking once" I said loudly. "Well you thought wrong bunny" he yelled. "Don't you dare yell at me, I didn't want this" I said as I stomped my foot. "You're right, I'm sorry" he said as he tried to touch my face but I smacked his hand away. "Don't touch me" I said angrily. "That is my child and I intend on being there in anyway I can" he said confidently.

"What if I don't want you around" I snapped. "Well too bad" he said as he pulled me back into the restaurant. "Tell him you need to leave early" Ryker said as he stood behind me. Every instinct I had was telling me to tell Ryker to fuck off yet I complied. "Hey Mac, I need to leave early for an emergency" I yelled before walking out with Ryker. "What the fuck do you think you are doing" Ryker said as I tried to get on the back of his bike. "Getting ready to leave with you" I said confused. "You're fucking pregnant, there is no way you are riding on the back of a motorcycle" he explained. "You'll ride in the prospect's truck" Ryker said as he pointed to a blue pickup.

"Whatever" I said as I made my way over to the truck and hopped in. "Yo" the prospect said as he started the truck and pulled out. "Hey" I said irritated. "You got a name newbie" he asked me as he fiddled with the radio. "My name is bunny" I said, I was getting more fed up by the minute. "My name's Hugo but everyone calls me Robber" Robber informed me. "Why do they call you that" I asked out of curiosity. "Cause I tried to rob the club" he said nonchalantly. "You did" I said completely shocked. "Yeah, I was a punk 18 year old kid at the time" he explained. "Ryker's dad who was the president at the time didn't want to get the police involved cause they could dig a little too deep and he didn't want me to throw my life away" Robber added.

"So you joined the club" I asked him. "Yep, it was the best decision I ever made. It gave me a family" he explained. "It isn't as bad as you'd expect" he added as we pulled through the metal gates. "Hope you rate this Uber 5 stars" Robber said as we got out of the truck. "Will do" I said with a laugh. "Hope you like it here considering it's where you will live from now on" Ryker said as he began to walk over to me with people I didn't recognize. "Like hell I am, I have my own place" I argued. "I am gonna protect you and our child as much as I possibly can and you living here would make it so much easier" he stated. "You don't fucking own me Ryker, I can live wherever the hell I want" I said coldly.

"Can that place be in the kitchen? Are you hungry" Ryker asked me. "A little" I lied as my stomach growling gave me away. "Only a little" he said playfully. "Fine, a lot, but I can make my own food" I spat as I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. "Take a Goddamn seat bunny" he said as he slammed the fridge closed. "I'm capable of taking care of myself" I huffed as I took a seat at the island. "I'm aware but as long as I'm around you won't need to" he said as he began to make me a turkey sandwich. "Thanks I guess" I said as I brought the sandwich up to my mouth. I got one wiff of the mayonnaise and felt instantly sick. I sat it back down on the plate and scooted it away from me.

"Not a fan of turkey" he asked me sarcastically. "No, the smell of mayonnaise makes me actually sick to my stomach" I said as I tried not to throw up. "Fine, eating out it is" he said as he motioned for me to get up. "We're all eating out tonight" he yelled causing people to scramble out of their rooms and out the door. "You'll ride in the car with the other old ladies" Ryker said as he pointed to a silver car. "Bunny this is Ringo's old lady Gwen" Ryker said as he introduced me. "I think we are gonna be good friends bunny" she said as we walked over to her car. "Bunny this is Mal, Jordan, Myka, and Lilah they are also club member's girlfriends and wives" Gwen explained.

"I hate to correct you but I am NOT Ryker's old lady" I stated. "Hate to break it to you but once you have a baby with a club member you're basically an old lady whether you want to or not" Gwen spat. "Whatever" I muttered as she continued to drive. We pulled into the club about 15 minutes later. "Hiya Ringo" Gwen said as she ran over and kissed a man leaning on a bike. "Hey sweetheart" Ryker said as he walked over and wrapped an arm around me. "If you want to keep that arm, I'd suggest you move it" I said through gritted teeth. "I hate to break it to you Buns but you don't scare me" he said as he kissed my head as we walked into the club.

"We're sitting over here" Ryker instructed the bikers as we all took a seat. "How was the drive" he asked me as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "It was okay" I said as I relaxed into his grip. "After we are done here we'll swing by your place so you can pick up a few things" he explained to me. "Okay" I said as a waiter came up to us. "What can I get for you today" he asked us. "I'm not hungry" I said as I fiddled my thumbs under the table. "I'll have a large order of cheese fries" Ryker said before turning to me. "Order something" he said coldly. "I told you I'm not hungry" I spat. "You are growing my child, you need to eat" he explained.

"I'll take a small salad" I said in defeat. "That's more like it" he said as he put his hand on mine. I ate quickly and before I knew it Ryker was motioning to me that it was time to go. "Gwen meet me at this address" Ryker said as he texted her my address. "Will do, let's roll little Bunny foo foo" Gwen said as we left the club.

At Bunny's apartment

Ryker's p.o.v.

"Nice place you got here" I said as we walked into her apartment. "Thanks, I know it isn't much but it's home" she said as she began to pack her bag. "You know my only goal in all of this is to keep you both safe, I'm sorry if that makes you miserable" I stated as I looked at the pictures on the wall. "I'm ready to go" she said as she zipped up her bag. "Cool, let's head out" I said as we walked out of the door. "Let me lock up really quick" she said as she got out her key and locked the door. "All good" she said as I walked her to Gwen's car. "I'll see you back at the clubhouse" I said as I kissed her forehead.

I got on my bike and sped off after Gwen's car. "You really are whipped for her aren't you" My Vice President Mason said as he rode up next to me. "And you aren't whipped for Mal?" I said with a chuckle. "I'm proud to be whipped by that vixen, she is the love of my life" he gushed. "That she is" I said jokingly. "Hey watch it, you may be the top dog but she is MINE" he stated. "That she is" I said as we entered the metal gates of the clubhouse. "Did everyone have fun" I asked causing a barrage of yeahs and whoops to ring out.

"Hey sugar" I said as I walked over to bunny. "Don't call me that" she snapped at me. "Okay, don't go feral on me bunny" I said with a laugh. "I'm curious about how many puns you guys are gonna make with my name" bunny said. "A lot" I said as we walked inside. "Let me show you to your room" I said as I walked with her down the hallway. "You aren't making me sleep with you" she asked me curiously. I stopped in my tracks, "I'm not making you do anything bunny" I said as I looked at her. "If you actually said you didn't want to live here and meant it I wouldn't have pushed it" I explained. "Really" she asked shocked. "Absolutely" I said as I opened the door to her room. "Goodnight bunny" I said as I walked back to my room.

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