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3𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Tommy was asleep on Tubbo's shoulder. Tubbo was reading a book about bees and Tommy didn't bother to see what it was before falling asleep. Tubbo sat still flipping the pages after reading the page. The two were very close and hardly fought.

Tubbo was a short boy with brown, like dark chocolate, messy hair that is the length to his shoulders. His eyes were quite beautiful, one eye is a soft caramel brown and the other blue like the sea but is hair covers the glory of them because of scars. Although he looks well but he is covered in scabs or now is pale streaks of where he got hit in the car accident but is covered by a shirt. Although nice and doesn't have anyone close people aside from Tommy because he fears he may lose them too. Although short he is 15 years of age.

Tommy was a tall but thin. He had strawberry blond hair with the length to the end of their shoulder blades. Although his hair is long it is always tied in a lose pony tail. His eyes are a soft light blue that everyone would love to have their eyes. They have a red and white shirt that covers the bigger scars. He had a white turtle neck under neath and covers the scars on their arms. He may seem like a big jerk, they are a very kind person and is very love-able. But Tommy is 14 years old.

The care taker, Lilith, burst into the room in rage waking up Tommy from his slumber. She began screaming things that both boys couldn't make out into words. Until she stopped and spoke in a stern tone "Get... out..."

The brothers packed everything and Lilith gave them about 705 365£ to live off of. They both nod and get out of the building. They saw Billzo teasing Aimsey on the play structure. They smile and leave to find a place.

𝙵𝚎𝚠 𝚢𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚜 𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛

The two were finacially stable with money to care for themselves. Tommy is working at a cafe and Tubbo is working as a gym teacher for high school. Tommy looks the same as they were when he was 14. But the diffrence is his age and some of his facial features. Tommy is now 20 and his face has freckles. Plus kinda visibly exhausted for having to wake up very early for work and saying goodbye to his brother.

Tommy arrives to work to see Wilbur, his co-worker, asleep at the cash register. Tommy grabs the duster and hits Wilbur on the head. Wilbur wakes up and frowns. "You could of been nicer ya kno' Tommy?" Wilbur spoke with a frown. Tommy washes his hands and responds "You do know that I have tried that when I just started working I did that but it didn't work so Nikki said to hit you with the duster she bought to wake you up." Wilbur sighs and began brewing tea.

Tubbo walks in and Tommy smiles. Tubbo smiles back and Wilbur stood there in confusion. "Hey Tom! You know the usual!" Tubbo said and Tommy started making a dark machiato frappichino. "Is he or she your lover Tommy?" Wilbur wispers to Tommy in confusion. Tommy shook his head and said "He's my brother, Tubbo."

Wilbur made his mouth to an o. He goes to the cash register and asked Tubbo "Soo~ What do you work as?" Tubbo chuckles and spoke "I am a gym teacher for high school." Wilbur went pale and smiles "So your the famous Tubbo who is gonna help us with moving some ovens for newer ones?" Tubbo nods and Tommy passes Tubbo his coffee. "Hows Willow?" Tommy asked while cleaning stuff he used. "Willow is better, she is coming around for I can show her how to do algebra." Tubbo explained and Tommy nods.

"Who is Willow?" Wilbur asked and Tommy explained "Willow is that kid that got into that car accident on Sand highway. She is getting back on her grind for she can be a doctor for cancer patient. Her mother passed when she was young from cancer so she is trying her best to reach that goal." Wilbur had a singular tear fall down and spoke "My brother is a cancer survivor but can we change this subject because it is very touchy..." Tubbo nods and spoke "Tommy!" Tommy hums for he shows that he heard. Tubbo continued "Rememeber Terry?" Tommy nods in annoyance and Tubbo laughted "He thought he was going to McDonalds if he didn't do his work."

(A/N If you know the vine ISTG ily (PLANTONICLY) so much)

Tommy bursted out laughing and Wilbur joined aswell. "That reminds me of when I was younger" Wilbur laughed and the brothers laughed louder. The three had a blast talking and Tubbo moved the oven then changed it with thr newer one. They said their goodbyes and the day went on.

𝚅𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎 𝚂𝙱𝙸 (𝚁𝙴𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴)Where stories live. Discover now