Red and Gold

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- Redmane Knight and Cleanrot Knight fluff - This is a very long read and is currently incomplete - Work in progress -

Redmane Knight Arriman - Pretty cool dude who's one of the top fighters of the Redmanes, can use a great sword, great shield, great bow and has limited use of fire magic in the form of lighting his sword and arrows ablaze, this guy kicks ass. He isn't too fond of Malenia or her Cleanrot Knights.

Cleanrot Knight Amaris - She's pretty cool too, not Redmane cool of course but she's cool, one of the tougher knights in Malenia's army, spear and sword, holy attacks, great duelist and frowns on Radahn and the Redmanes as tyrants and warmongers.

This story might take place a little bit before The Shattering idk. Probably gonna be some little bits and pieces from these two.


A small patrol of two Cleanrot knights and six footmen were making their routes throughout northern Caelid. The mountainous terrain provided plentiful cover for their forces to get in and get set up to launch a large scale sustained invasion. While the gold armor of the Cleanrots and smaller gold pieces on the footmen stood out amongst the rocks and green hills of Caelid, the aforementioned rocks and hills did wonders to hide them and their movement. This would help them to fight against any Redmanes but it would work against them so there was caution to be had.

Amaris had the unlucky fortune of being on this first patrol into a new area of a new land. Luckily she had Dunnar with her and a small squad of footmen. She didn't know any of them but she knew Dunnar well enough to know that he earned the scythe he carried. She'd get her own one day but she suspected that day was quite awhile away. Amaris was probably the most decorated Cleanrot Knight who wasn't in a leadership role and she didn't know if that was a good thing or not. She didn't ponder on it long as Dunnar held up his hand which indicated it was time for a short break. A 'standing 5' he called it and the name was very literal, you stopped moving for 5 minutes to lean on, lean against or simply rest your legs for a short time while still being ready to move.

Truth be told she was fearful of the Redmanes. They were renowned warmongers as was their lord and general. Even their foot soldiers possessed some greater martial prowess than any other. Or so she had heard. The tales were fearsome enough and now that she was here in their home didn't make things better.

The footmen had all found rocks to lean against and Amaris thought she should too for a moment but decided not to as she had a reputation to live up to, being one of Malenia's knights and all. Dunnar kept a look out, he knew that the Redmanes knew this territory better than they did and would take full advantage of that fact. So he had to be resolute in his watch lest he be ambushed.


Knight-Captain Gairis was leading a capture squad of seven Redmane Knights and they were nearly upon what he thought to be a Cleanrot patrol. The higher ups had thought a larger force to be gathering on the borders of Caelid after Malenia's recent victory against Godrick and decided to have seven man capture squads sent out to try and either find this force or capture smaller amounts of Cleanrots in order to bargain with them. The Redmanes were fierce fighters but did not want any unnecessary conflict.

Knight-Sergeant Arriman was close behind Captain Gairis when he signaled for them to stop and get low. Had he found some Cleanrots? Arriman hoped so, he was eager to show them that nobody could invade Caelid unopposed. He and the other Redmane Knights halted and crouched down. Gairis crouch walked over to his men, "Cleanrot patrol by the looks of it. Two knights, six grunts. We'll take them on my mark." They all nodded at him.

Gairis signaled for two men to follow him to the other side to set up for a pincer attack. Arriman and the others neared the ledge and saw their targets, a commander, a knight and six grunts. He wanted one of the knights maybe both if he was lucky. He saw the others pass javelins around and poise to throw them. Arriman quietly drew his great sword and great shield and tensed, waiting on the impact of the javelins. A lifetime later the javelins were thrown and half of the grunts were hurt, not killed but hurt, probably. He and the others jumped up, went down the ledge and charged the remaining opponents.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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