Genderbread and Butter

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I love this caption and will use it to explain this chapter and I will use the info from here to explain the rest of the info.

Gender identity is how you view you how do you feel. If you feel like a man you probably use masculine pronouns like he, him, and his and if you feel like a woman you use pronouns like she, her, hers. If you are gender queer you simply fit into the male female category typically they use pronouns like they, them, theirs, ze, sie, etc...

Gender expression is how you present yourself and behave based on gender roles. A person will do things that we associate a person of that gender doing like a man working and a woman keeping with the house. In the middle is androgynous these people exhibit both male or female characteristics equally. A working woman and cleaning man isn't androgynous behavior just so you don't freak out and claim your androgynous.

Biological sex is pretty straight forward aside from intersex which is when it isn't clear what they physically are based on reproductive organs.

How these three things culminate is your orientation like I have a tendency to feel and do things that are feminine while I'm born a male. I am gay. This isn't to say someone can feel the same as me and not be bisexual we just have slightly different specifications in how we feel things. Straight people are often predominantly on the same side of the spectrums expressing themselves as the gender they were born with enjoying the voluptuous pleasures of the opposite sex. While the rest of them are a big cluster so yeah that's difficult and I'm sooo not going to attempt that. Questions? Comments? Just ask/tell me.

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