The Coffin Meets The Circus

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Gareth's pov

We stared at them , confused .
A group of six people , holding instruments as we were , in an empty classroom . Two girls , four guys , all staring back in shared bewilderment .

It was Friday , after school . Our band , Corroded Coffin , was setting up in an empty math classroom , desks already pushed out of the way and chairs stacked . We'd been given permission , after a lot of nagging , to use a spare classroom to practise . I mean , Eddie practically begged the teacher to let us have this room for one day , non-stop this whole week till she caved . Yet here they were .

Another group , not so different from our own , stood in the doorway , staring at us like we'd just shat in their pillowcases . All six of them crowded by the door , giving me a chance to get a good look at them . First i saw was a ginger girl , same year as Eddie , with dark circles under her eyes , sort of covered by heavy mascara and powder . Second was a duo of guitarists , both guys , both equally stoned , or so it seemed , with an older looking guy sporting a fair amount of bracelets on his wrists . Then another girl , shorter than the other , with short frizzy brown hair , and a scowl etched into her face . I had half a mind to stick my tongue out at her , seeing as she was in my year , and an absolute killjoy . Someone , who I presumed was the drummer , seeing as I'd seen the bassist , singers and guitarists , was hidden behind one of the taller guys . Leaning my head to catch a glimpse of him , I was met with sharp eyes , staring directly at me , like he was staring through my soul . He had dark hair , surrounding his face , just above the shoulders , and lips that looked like they were bitten way too often , be it anxiety or other reasons . I only managed to hold eye contact until his eyes looked me up and down , his head tilted down but his gaze burning through from my face to my scuffed shoes . I felt my breath hitch and quickly looked away , feeling a heavy weight in my chest . What the fuck ?

Eddie hopped down from the windowsill and approached the girl - older than me , younger than him , but still had a few inches on all of us - who seemed to be the leader of the group .

"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing our beloved rivals this afternoon?" Eddie provoked the tall redhead , who raised an eyebrow back .

"Munson ," she raised her chin , staring him down as he walked closer .

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife . We all felt it , the intensity lingering around the two as they maintained eye contact .

"Derek ," he pressed further at the taller female , who looked as if she'd kick the shit out of him . Truth be told she fucking scared the shit out of me , just looking at her made me back up , bumping into Jeff .

"Last name basis ?" he whispered to me , while steadying me .

I shrugged , not looking away , "I think first , probably ,"

"Wanna bet on it ?" he whispers again , still not keeping his eyes off of her .

"I bet ten."


The girl crossed her arms , beads of green and brown jingling as she did so , a ringed finger tapping on her arm impatiently .

"What're you doing here ?" she questioned in a raspy voice , still staring him down .

Eddie , being the provocatively persistent idiot he is , teased further , "catching butterflies , what do you think ?"

I held my breath , silently praying he'd back off seeing as this woman looked ready to murder us . I glanced at the other group behind her , who looked equally concerned . Good , I thought , looks like they haven't got a clue what is going on either .

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