Muted Rain

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Y/n's pov

I didn't know what to say .

He looked away , hand slapped across a red face . For a moment we sat in silence , while I fought off a smile .

"You think I'm pretty ?" I asked slyly but was still in shock as the smile found it's way to the corners of my mouth .

I'd not been complemented in that way before , let alone by a guy . Sure , words like handsome or attractive were great and all , but 'pretty' felt ... different , especially coming from Gareth .

I snickered a bit , taking a seat in front of him on the floor .

"I've been called a lot of things , but pretty ? That's a new one ," I grinned , placing my head in my hands , quite clearly trying to wind him up , even though my heart was pounding .

"What have you been called then , if not pretty ?" he gave me an amused look , looking up a little bit from the wall of his arms .

"Oh so many things , people just drool over me !" I exaggerated , giving him a chuckle , knowing damn well that was false . I was a weird drum-playing kid in high school , of course I was single . But at least I broke the awkward silence .

He laughed into his arms , rubbing his face .

"As if , jackass ," he teased , voice smushed against his hands .

"Aw , not pretty anymore ?"

I shuffled to sit next to him , and he continued to rub his face . Once he let go , his cheeks had soft red marks down them .

"And thanks ," I whispered , chancing another glance at him .

I watched his eyes glance me up and down . Even though I knew I played along with changing the way I did , I still felt so warm staring at him , someone I had only met yesterday and knew I wouldn't have a chance with anyway . But the way he looked at me made me think of what I could only dream of having .

And there it is . Me falling for another guy I was destined to never be with . Realizing in that moment that I'd fallen again for someone I'll never have , I felt my heart shatter ... This always happens , every fucking time , I always do this to myself . But there I sat , just staring , watching , admiring . I could go on all day , his fluffy brown hair , soft , freckled face , mesmerizing eyes . I didn't know it before , but in that very moment I knew , I've fucked myself over again . But I found him so mesmerising , like a spell was cast on me . And even though it felt so painful , I decided it wasn't so bad . I was willing to put up with the pain if it meant I could at least form a friendship with him . Gladly going through the torture of loving someone I didn't know very well , nor did I know if he even liked guys , would seem pointless to anyone else with common sense , but the look of his face and the charismatic way he spoke was enough .

His bedroom door received a knock , and he stood up quickly to answer .

"It's still pouring with rain , my love , would you want to stay over ?" Gareth's mum popped her head round his bedroom door , "its started to get dark , so if you'd like , you can borrow the phone to call home ?"

"Yeah , thank you , if that's okay ?" I looked over to Gareth as well for permission , and he shot a shy smile in return .

"No problem , follow me ," Gareth gestured for me to follow him downstairs .

His house felt so warm , the carpet soft and the windows pattered gently with the torrential rain . It started to get dark earlier in the day , now winter was on it's way . Something was cooking in the kitchen , Gareth's mum stood by the oven , warming her hands . While I called my parents , I heard Gareth's mother setting up plates and cutlery . With a small amount of persuasion , my mum eventually let me stay once I pulled the 'it's already getting dark and I don't want to cycle home in the dark and pouring rain' excuse . She wished me goodnight and hung up .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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