Bewitching The Rival

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Narrator's pov
As he played the drums , Gareth could feel the presence of someone behind him . Each beat he hit felt like it was watched , like prey under a predator's cruel gaze , making him nervous . Eventually , his hand slipped and missed one of the beats . Cursing to himself , he dropped his sticks onto one of the drums and rubbed his face , irritated at the slip up . He often rubbed or poked at his face when irritated , almost as a way of calming himself down , feeling skin touch his freckled face was soothing .

A soft chuckle came from behind him , startling the guy , causing him to whip his head around to face the source of the laugh .

There he sat , on one of the desks that was shoved out of the way , earphones now resting around his neck , studying the other with a softer gaze than he had beforehand .

After what must've only been a few seconds too long , but felt like hours , he spoke up .

"Sorry for interrupting , carry on ," he smiled slightly , twirling the wire of his headphones round his finger . His voice was quite gruff , but had a tone of both softness and mischief .

Gareth stared at him for a moment , eyes scanning him , dropping to his chipped black nails .

"Like what you see ?" the boy raised an eyebrow , twiddling his nails in front of the curly haired boy , a group of black rings catching his attention .

His eyes widened as he averted his eyes . Another chuckle was heard as he spoke again , in that same strangely captivating voice .

"I'm just messing with you , man . No need to get your panties in a twist . Move over ,"

He gestured to the seat Gareth sat in , and , without a word , he slipped out , stepping back to allow the boy to have a play . Jesus , man , why can't you say anything ? Gareth thought to himself , sort of annoyed he was acting so awkward .

Tearing off his jacket , he hopped off the desk and sat down on the chair , chains clanking slightly against the metal as he picked up Gareth's sticks .

"Do you mind ?" he looked over his shoulder for permission .

Gareth shook his head .
"Knock yourself out ," he shrugged .

Y/n began to play , tapping along to a familiar song , earning the attention of everyone .

"Alexis , c'mon , you know this one ," he called to the frizzy-haired bassist , who sighed and picked up her guitar , the two other guitarists beginning to pluck along .

I was made for lovin' you baby,
you were made for lovin me ~

Joy sung , pulling Andy to dance with her , away from the keyboard . She had a smooth voice , like honey , but had a scratchy-ness too it due to probably screaming in past practice sessions .

And I can't get enough of you baby ,
can you get enough of me ?

He sighed and sung with her , his deeper voice harmonising with her as she held his hands , swinging them as she sung back . Together their voices were like molasses and honey , one thick and one smooth .
Soon everyone joined in , singing the infamous lyrics as a chaotic masterpiece of singing and shouting .
The whole time , Gareth doesn't sing , just watches . Watches the other drummer's hands as he plays , now standing in front of him , watching as his arms rose and fell to the beat , watching as his hair bounces with every nod of his head , staring at his hands , the way they worked the sticks , his group of rings grasping his fingers as they pressed against the wood .
It hit him at that moment .

holy shit , am I checking him out ?

He crossed his arms and stared at the ground , eyes finally tearing away from the boy's frame . A million thoughts shot through his mind , the first one being I checked a guy out .
That one seemed to taint the rest of his thoughts as he glanced back up at him , like a magnet , his aura irresistible to the fluffy haired boy .

The song was coming to an end , the group all collectively scream-singing the lyrics , leaving Gareth just stood staring , staring and lost in thought . Sure , he'd seen this guy in the halls before , in classes , out of school , but he'd never spoken to him before . He didn't even know he looked like that , not being able to explain nor understand why he was suddenly so infatuated with the boy . Yet there he stood , his gaze falling all over the dark haired boy and his mesmerising movements , as if he'd never seen anyone play before . Mind diving deeper into confusion , the drummer finished with gusto , a grin plastered on his bewitching face .

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