Chapter One - Introduction

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January, 19TH 1947.

I, Thea Black is a 22 year old lady. I am a maid for the Citadel of Brookley, in this Citadel the North Family lives, and dare I say, They are a intresting bunch. They have four children, Maddison North is the oldest, she is 27, Heather North is the second oldest, she is 23, Daniel North is 12 and the youngest is Jacklin. I do not know Jacklin's age, and if I ask again, I'm at risk of putting the Family Black's reputation down the gutter. But enough about them, and more about me.

As I have Introduced myself not too long ago, I shall get to the point. My Father is Bruce Black, the most respected Butler in all of Brookley. My Mother is Grace Black, a unkown tailour, but an intresting one, non the less. I am an only child, very rare for Lower Class Citizens to only have one child, but my parents find having more than one a waste of money. I work from 5 AM to 9 PM, as I am a low class maid I work for longer and have shitter pay. Though, since my father is Bruce Black, I should be treated with his level of respect, but then again... he is a man, a man of a good reputation I may add.

I have some what of a 'Friendship' with Heather North. We talk daily sometimes hourly when I'm on shift. Most likely out of pitty she talks to me, but non the less, we do talk, even if it is for 10 minutes a day at least. Multiple times per day I have to do my father's work as he is busy being a 'Tart' with Miss North's dad. But him being a 'tart' does help with bringing in cash, as Mother's job doesn't pay as much as she hoped for. As of this my Mother seems quite cold, more than she ever is, in fact I can barely have a normal interaction with her without her snapping at me.

It is about 7 in the morning, I am two hours later than usual, but Mrs North said I am allowed to sleep in as it is the weekends and nothing special is planned. "Maid Thea! You are needed in the Dining Hall!" A voice called from the hallway outside my room, I would tell you more but instead you shall learn my weekend schedule.

7 AM is the time where the Dining Hall is prepared for Breakfast what is served at 9 AM, at 10 AM the family is finished eating and I then eat along with the Middle Tier Servants, as the Lower Tier Servants then clean up, they eat at 6 AM. At 12 PM, we begin cleaning up after the High Tier Servants. Then for the rest of the day until 9 PM we clean and doing boring work, we do have a Tea Break at 4 PM however. At 9 PM we are finally finished and we get to go to bed or get prepared for bed, I only take 30 Minutes so I go to bed at 9:30. Then I repeat for each weekend, week days I wake up 2 hours earlier but that is it, the schedule is exactly the same.

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