Chapter two - Dining Hall

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Once I arrived at the Dining Hall the Head Maid came up to me. "Maid Thea!" She scowled as she looked at me with her resting bitch face. "Yes, Madam Fleur?" I asked, Madam Fleur's full name is Kathryn Fleur, she is 67, her face looks like a shrivelled up raisin. "How dare you be late, I thought I told you to wake up at 6 AM not 7!" She scowled once more, her face became more shrivelled as her brows frowned. "Mrs North said I was allowed to sleep in today." I sighed as my face turned slightly annoyed. "Oh... She did?" Her face became more submissive at her tone changed to be more sweet and gentle. "Yes, Madam Fleur. She did" A Butler cut into the conversation, he had a tall slim figure and his sutle gray eyes stared at us both. Most of the servants found him attractive, however I never found any Butler attractive.

I turned my head to him, it was Floyd Lannister. "Ah! Butler Floyd, you should be managing the plates, now go work!" Madam Fleur ordered as he walked away, I stared at him for a second then turned my head back to the Shrivelled Raisin, how on earth could any Human Being look like a Shrivelled Raisin? "Well! Go help Maid Kaitlyn with the table arrangement!" Madam Fleur ordered me. I sighed before bowing and walking to Kaitlyn Reed. "Ah! Thea. I'm struggling to carry all of the cloths by myself, please do help!" Kaitlyn panicked as she carried one table cloth. "So you're struggling to carry one table cloth?" I asked with a snide smile, Kaitlyn was always fun to annoy. "Hey! Don't smile just help me!" Kaitlyn Wailed as she carried the table cloth to the table. "Mhm, Yes yes. Whatever you say." I chuckled before grabbing 3 table cloths, the sound of my shoes gently tapping the floor echoed throuh the hall.

Kaitlyn ran back and fourth panicking as if we were having guests arriving. "Take a chill pill, Kaitlyn. We aren't having guests over." I exclaimed as I gently set 1/10 of the table. "We are having guests, Thea! Unexpected too!" Kaitlyn panicked as she knocked a plate out of a Butler's hand "Hey! Watch it." He shouted before picking up the freshly cracked plate, I am certainly surprised it didn't break. "You almost broke Mr North's Fine China!" I exclaimed, before thinking. Kaitlyn just said unexpected guests... MY LORD! UNEXPECTED GUESTS! "Kaitlyn! Why didn't you say sooner!" I started to panic. "Becuase I thought you knew!" Kaitlyn sighed only to get nudged by a maid. "Madam Fleur wants to talk to you, Kaitlyn" The Maid Snidely said before walking away, leaving Kaitlyn upset and teary. There was two possible ways this could go: A, Kaitlyn gets yelled at and told to leave the Dining Hall and work in another room. Or B, She gets complimented and I work some where else. I can only hope for sitution A.

I sighed before putting on a fake smile, panicking would make everything a lot worse. I carried on setting up the table as the Butler who Kaitlyn knocked the plate out of his hands came up to me. "Thea, I want to talk." He sighed as he put his hand on my shoulder. "Yes?" I huffed as I looked at his face, his glasses were cracked and his hair was unbrushed. "I feel stupid to ask this but... I'm not allowed to carry the stack of plates anymore, as Madam Fleur said I shouldn't carry the plates due to Kaitlyn being an arse. Can you carry them for me?" He hesitated as his eyes became wet and teary. "Yes, I can. No need to cry about it, You huge baby!" I chuckled as I jokingly punched his arm. "Ha! You're right. I shouldn't feel upset that I'm asking for help." He chuckled as he gently pushed me. I walked over to the stand on where the plates were being held. I opened the cabnit as I stared at the plates, each ingrained with a golden design. "Thea, do you need help?" Floyd asked with a wink. "Erm, just a stool." I smiled as I attempted to reach for the highest shelf. "Got it!" Floyd smiled as he handed me a chair. I stepped up onto the chair as I grabbed the plates before jumping down and walking to the table. I swear, Floyd was watching me the entire time.

I looked at the table to find where the missing plates where, most where in the middle. I began setting up the plates, only to feel water splash onto me. "Sorry! I spilt water!" A maid panicked as she wiped my back with a hankerchief, I smiled as I turned around to face her. "It's fine, no need to apologise, we all make mistakes." I chuckled as I adjusted my dress so the wet patch was less visible. "Thank you." She sighed from relief as she walked away, her ginger hair was tucked into her apron's bow, I snorted slightly at the sight before going back to work. My father came in with an aggravated look. "Father, are you alright?" I asked, as he sat down at the Dining Table. "Your Mother..." He blurted out as he turned his head away from me, I sighed, I knew exactly what he was talking about, him and my Mother must of had another argument as always.

I walked out of the Dining Hall and into the Kitchen, as I grabbed a jug of water and a cup for my Father. I walked back and handed the cup to my Father as I filled it up with water. "Thank you, Thea..." He sighed as he gulped it down, I bowed and put the jug next to him so he can have a refill if so desired. Floyd came up to me once more, holding a rose from a pot of flowers. "For a pretty lady called Thea. Will you accept this gift what is almost as beautiful as you?" Floyd winked again, only causing me to chuckle. "Oh Floyd, I like Pansies, not Roses. However, Debra loves Roses, give it to her instead" I chuckled as I walked away, his face shifted to sorrow and disappointment.

A tut came from my Father, he obiviously wanted be to accept the 'Confession' from Floyd. Let us be honest, or I should say "Lettuce", I am not attracted to Floyd. Sure he might be the most attraction Butler in the Citadel, I think of him as a friend, I always have done, always will. I don't think I've fancied any man for a while, thinking about it... But then again, most of the men in the Citadel look like Scamps. I smiled as I finished up setting the rest of the table, with the help of the others, this table can hold up to 80 guests, help is very much required. A maid ran into the Dining Hall, before standing up on a chair. "THE NORTHS WILL BE ARRIVING IN THREE MINUTES!" She yelled, causing most of the Servants to panic. My Father got up and speed walked to the Kitchen, while I just stood by, waiting for the herd of panicking Servants to calm down. They act exactly like cats, when in contact of water. You couldn't help but crack a smile, in some cases, laugh.

The Norths walked into the Dining Hall and sat down, the gates were opened up as a swarm of guests arrived to the Dining Hall to. It almost was like a bunch of flies swarming to a pile of feces, or as some people would say 'shit'.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2022 ⏰

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