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Thursday, May 5th 1981

Dear Diary,

My mum used to tell me, "Choose someone who would sacrifice the planet to save you and not someone who would sacrifice you to save the planet." And I did.

A week ago, I was just a seventeen-year-old bookworm, living in Summerfield. I loved books. They were my life. Whenever I read a book, I felt at home. But whenever I read a book, I always seemed to like the villain more than the hero. I study at the Summerfield School for Fine Arts. I had pursued an acting course over spring break and had aced it. So, after the beginning of my new grade, I changed courses with a German student, Nicholas Weindorf. Everybody in school was talking about him since the day he arrived here at Summerfield. Rumor has it that his dad had gone missing under mysterious circumstances. I also heard that his dad was part of a cult who worshipped Uvias, the God of Hell.

Nicholas had been staying in a cabin near the woods. Every parent in the town had forbidden their kids to even go near the cabin because they believed that the entity in the woods would kill their kids. In the past, two kids were killed near the cabin. They were the kids of the fisherman who lived in the cabin during the 60's. My grandma always went to the cabin and fed the girls because the fisherman didn't have enough money to feed his daughters. One day, while she was returning from the cabin, she heard the girls screaming. When she reached the cabin, she saw the fisherman with blood on his clothes and hands and the girls lying inside a pentagram. A second later, the girls were floating in the air, screaming out of pain and terror and the pentagram on the ground was glowing. The fisherman was sitting near the pentagram. He was smearing the blood on a human skull and speaking something in Sokovian. My gran was petrified but fortunately she ran away in time. After that everybody was instructed not to go near the cabin especially at night as they believed that the ritual of the fisherman couldn't be finished and so Uvias hadn't gotten his sacrifice. Furious with the fisherman he had tortured him inside the woods and taken his soul to Hell with him. Even two decades after the incident, the townspeople still believed that the spirits of the sisters had haunted the cabin and the woods and would kill any child near it because their childhood was ruined.

Celestine Berkshire 

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