|| Chapter 1 ||

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 | August 16th Tuesday |

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 | August 16th Tuesday |

It has taken a long time for Elizabeth to accept the fact that she's not normal.

By normal she means that she has no idea how to do these serious adult stuff like going to the bank. She has no idea how she can pay back her student loan or how on earth she will remember to eat many times a day.

It's a real problem.

Even when Elizabeth still lived with her parents and was home alone she found herself hungry and realizing she had forgotten to eat. And that's how it still is. She lives all by herself and spends all that money on food just to forget to eat it. It would be just better if she also forgot to buy it.

Elizabeth was sitting in their college building's cafeteria alone while checking her bank account. She has used too much money already and it's not even the end of the month. She really should stop going out so frequently. Thankfully it would only be a few days until her next paycheck so she would be able to pay her next month's rent.

Her older brother always remembered to remind her on how she should've bought her own apartment. He bought his when he turned 18 and moved out of their folks place.

'Buying your own apartment is wiser than paying rent. By renting an apartment you are paying to somebody else but taking a mortgage to get your own apartment you will basically just pay it to your own pocket," he had said but Elizabeth didn't get it. She sucked at money. She had no idea how it worked. She only knew that she needed money to live by and that she shouldn't buy too expensive stuff.

"Are you checking your bank account again?" Elizabeth flinched as one of her best friends sat down next to her. "I'm sure you will have enough money to get by."

Matthew was one out of two in their friend group who was majoring in economics and therefore understood something about money. They were all grateful for having Matthew and Max as their friends as they helped them with this kind of stuff. Elizabeth just happened to be the one who needed the most help.

"I wouldn't say so! Oh god this is so stressful!" Elizabeth groaned and closed her phone. She can't stand to look at the numbers anymore. They won't get any better.

"Not as stressful as that." Matthew laughed and then pointed at their two other friends who are dating each other. Elizabeth looked in the direction pointed and saw Max and Bella getting lectured by a professor. Sometimes those two couldn't keep their hands to themselves and acted too intimate in the middle of the hallways as if they were a couple in high school.

She could see Bella blushing but Max was just smirking. That's Max for you. He didn't really care if some professor thought him making out with his girlfriend was too inappropriate at school. He basically did whatever he wanted and sometimes Elizabeth wondered how he ever ended up in college. They all loved Max though, even though he was a bit too careless. Their friend group wouldn't be the same without that idiot.

Max and Bella managed to get rid of the professor and then made their way to the table where Elizabeth and Matthew were sitting.

"Look who got in trouble again. You two are such lovebirds, get a room!" Matthew joked when they joined them.

Bella rolled her eyes. "Watch out, Matty, you are starting to sound jealous."

"Me? Never! Max is not my type." Matthew smirked and got hit by Bella. He was always joking around and never seemed to be too serious. Elizabeth loved that in Matthew. He was the one who made them all cheer up but she also worried about him a lot. She knew he had a rough past and wondered if all that cheerfulness was just an act.

"Where're Lola and Cole? I thought we were supposed to eat lunch together today!" Bella then asked.

"Lola's probably too busy flirting with the new professor," Max mumbled and now he's the one getting hit by his own girlfriend.

"Maxwell! Stop it. Lola would never do anything with a teacher! He's not even that young. He must be in his 40s!" Bella said strictly. Everybody else knew the truth but Bella was still defending Lola. Lola had a fling with one of their professors in their first year of college but she never really admitted it out loud. They all still knew about it - except for Bella. It wasn't like Lola was hiding the fact that she stayed behind when the classes ended and sometimes even disappeared in the locker rooms. Elizabeth even caught them one time but Lola didn't seem to notice.

"Well whatever, Cole texted something that came up but I don't know about Lola," Matthew said.

"Did Cole mention what came up?" Elizabeth was confused. Out of the six people in their group Cole was the one who never had anything to do. He was always up to hanging out or meeting them. So it was really rare that Cole had something else to do.

"Nope but I'm sure he will tell us sometime."

Elizabeth was asking something else when her phone beeps. She checked her screen and suddenly had a hard time hiding her smile as she saw who texted her. She stood up and excused herself from the table. She left her stuff - not her phone - with her friends because she knew this wouldn't take much time.

She knew her friends were looking after her because they had no idea where she was going and Elizabeth had now intention of telling them. This was her secret but it wasn't only her secret to share. She smiled to herself as she made her way to the spot the text said.

She loved these hallways. In high school she had thought she would never be interested in continuing her studies and would go to college. Her plan was to get a job and build a career just after high school. Of course she had acknowledged it would be hard but she was ready to do it. But then she met Bella who was dying to get into college. She had been the one who inspired Elizabeth to apply too. Now she was walking these hallways proudly. She knew she had made her parents proud by getting accepted.

"Hi," she whispered as she saw the person she came to meet. Their hands joined together and soon after that their lips did the same.

"I missed you, Elly."

"I missed you too, Chloe." 

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