
3 0 0

"What in the actual fuck is happening right now?"

A loud thump as a hand slams into the table. The board with all its pieces makes a short journey into the air and back down again.

"Tony!" May admonishes while looking pointedly at Peter.

Tony catches May's slight glare and he grimaces apologetically back at her. May had just had a talk with Tony less than a week ago how he had better start watching your language around Peter so you could be a better role model and yada yada yada.

Though, Tony can guess her latest reprimand is half hearted if her tiny smirk is anything to go by. Also, Tony knows that May sometimes lets her Italian roots run wild when she is angry. He has been on FaceTime with Peter more than once when she has let her explosive Italian fury loose when she accidentally hurts herself in the back ground. Just because it's in Italian doesn't mean it doesn't count as swearing May.

"Sorry, just-" Tony sighs frustrated and goes to pick up the dice. After a small shake he tosses the dice in the board. A measly 2. Picking up his character piece (the race car because come on) he moves it the two space.

Right. Onto. The Boardwalk.

Which just so happens to be owned by the little shit who is currently grinning like the Cheshire Cat across from him.

"Come on! Are you shitting me?"
Another yell of "Tony!" followed by an light giggle.
"No! Because are you actually shitting me right now?"
"Pay up Mister Stark." Says Peter.
With a glare, Tony starts to count out the money from his rapidly dwindling pile. When he hands it to Peter he does so with a light slap of his palm. Peter just grins wider and starts to count it out. Like Tony is the one that's untrustworthy.

"You little minx. You're cheating! I don't know how but I'll find out, and when I do you're burnt toast kiddo." Tony says.
"Mister Stark how could I possible be cheating? You've counted all of my money from the very start of the game. You roll the same dice I do so you know they're not loaded. Face it. You're just not very good at this game." Peter says all this while putting his chocolate lab eyes to work like he thinks that will make Tony any less suspicious. Like he said, Little Shit.

Damn him. That look should be registered as a weapon, Tony thinks.

Instead he says,
"Kid! I'm a multibillionaire with over 20 subsidized companies world wide. Not to mention I am in control of the worlds number one R&D technology company. I should be owning this game. I play real life monopoly. This should be cake. Instead, I'm losing to a little shit, who wears underoos and can't even drink legally yet."

Peter listens to his tantrum with a smile firmly on his face. Vaguely he can hear May make as small Tsk sound.

"Ok. One, Mister Stark, stop acting like you run Stark Industries. Everyone knows that pepper is the one who is actually in charge. Your just the figure head. Kinda like The Queen." Tony sputters an indignant sound as he feels heat start to creep up from underneath the collar of his shirt. "Second, you wouldn't even have the company if it wasn't for your dad starting it and leaving it to you. And third, I don't even have the underroos so that nickname isn't even valid anymore."
Peter moves to grab the dice from where Tony tossed them his turn. "Also, saying your company is a monopoly is not the flex you think it is."
"It's not a monopoly and you know it! I was just- that's not the point!" Tony yells.

"Ok Boomer. Well if you done with your turn I'm gonna roll." Peters tosses the dice on the board while Tony grumbles under his breath, and roles a 3 and a 5. He picks up his piece (the top hat because of course) and moves spaces. Right onto Park Place. Peter leans over to read the lines on space. After a few second of deliberation he sits back again.

Tony feels his left eye twitch and can see May covering her smile with her hand beside him. She has been quiet during the entire exchange and he only then realizes it was because she was trying to hold in her laughter.

Peter leans his head on his hand, thinking while he looks down at the board, deliberately avoiding Tony's glaring face. Tony knows that Peter knows what he's going to do and is just drawing it out to fuck with him.

Peter finally looks up and around the table with an indifferent look. "Yeah, I'll buy it." He shrugs.

Tony grabs the bank box and throws it across the room.

"Mother fu-!"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2022 ⏰

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