Boat Adventures

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Chester knocked out and being dragged onto the boat. Zia was handcuffed but still fighting. Blue was getting worse. She was drousy but still fighting to stay conscious. Yet Blue was also in a great deal of pain due to being shot in the leg.

Meanwhile, Owen, Claire, and Franklin are watching this from a distance. They were on a cliff far enough away so they won't be spotted but close enough to know what's happening.

They were talking about how Lockwood lied to Claire and how to get onto the boat without being seen.

When they heard the volcano again they made their decision and ran. It didn't take them long to get there but there was only one car left behind. Many of the people were rushing to get on the boat because the volcano was on the verge of erupting. Claire got into the driver's seat and Owen and Franklin jumped into the back of the truck.

Claire hit the gas pedal and floored it to the boat. The back wheels had gotten stuck on the edge of the entrance. Claire made the truck go faster and got them all safely on. She quickly grabbed a hat from the truck and put it on with her hair in it.

Owen, Franklin, and Claire had sneaked their way around different cages and vehicles. All looking into them to try and find Zia and Chester.

They made their way around and found the others rather quickly. Zia was next to Blue applying pressure to her wounded leg to stop some of the bleeding.

"Oh my god- you guys made it!" Zia said. Chester looked up and smiled.

He had a bruise on the left side of his forehead from being hit. "Nice to know you guys never die the first time." He said in a joking manner.

"Jesus what happened to you?" Owen said.

Claire went over to examine he head. "Nothing much. Though that's not important right now. Blue needs blood." He said.

Zia nodded. "You guys need to find one. We need a carnivore with two or three fingers no more than three." She instructed.

"I think I know one on boared." Claire said.


Now Chester, Owen, and Claire were in front of a carrier that looked to be holding a shipment. Which really held the T-Rex.

"Alrighty then, who's ready to meet my first project to work with." Chester said with a little excitement.

Owen looked at him in surprise. Claire just gave him a concerned look. "What do you mean first project?" Owen said.

Chester shrugged. "It's not that big of a deal. Before I was assigned with the Indominous Rex, I was assigned to raise the T-Rex." He explained. "She was the first to be part of their experiment the raptors were apart of."

Claire knew about it as well but never brought it up. "Yeah, I hope she still remembers you."

Chester opened the door. "She's asleep. Claire get in there, Owen find her vein on her neck."

Claire hesitated while Owen just went in. "What will you be doing?" She asked.

"Keeping her asleep. And if she wakes up. Then I'll keep her calm."

He pushed Claire forward. She started to go in and he followed in after her.

The T-Rex moved her head making Owen and Claire nervous. Chester just stood there entirely calm.

"Come on guys, calm down. And Claire, to answer your question from earlier. Yes, I'm sure she still remembers me. Most animals remember people by scent." Chester said.

"Easy for you to say Ches, I've only worked with raptors. You worked with something twice her size." Owen said.

Owen walked to the side of her head while she was still facing to their right.

She suddenly moved her head to where Owen was. "I'm okay, come on." He said and waved Claire over.

She tried to pass the bag over to Owen. "Here you do it. I can't reach from here." She whispered.

"I can't do that. I have to keep my hand here,so you're gonna have to jump up there like your riding a bull." He said.

"What! We're you guys raised in a rodeo. I can't climb up there." She said becoming a little frustrated.

"Well first of all, it's being raised in a barn." Chester started. "And secondly, how long do you think she'll stay asleep for?"

Claire finally mustered up her courage and climbed onto the T-Rex's neck. The T-Rex moved her head again. Owen quickly moved to where she was.

Claire tried to gently push in the needle into the vein. "You're gonna have to jab it in there." Owen said.

"Yeah, her skin is really thick. So don't hold back on it." Chester finished.

Claire was completely done with the both of them. They were just having fun with teasing her while she was on the T-Rex. And they were both being serious as well.

She put the needle in at almost full force. "It's working." Claire said as blood flowed into the blood bag.

Just as they were almost finished extracting blood, two guys walked by.

"Hey this door is open."

"Don't worry I got it."

Then one of the guys closes the door and locks it. The lock was extremely and excessively loud.

That had woken up the T-Rex. As soon as she woke up,she spotted Owen, who was right next to her eye. She started roaring really loudly.

Chester walked up in front of her. "Hey, easy girly. They aren't here to hurt you." Chester said in a soothing voice. "The one on top of you is Claire and the one you saw first is my brother, Owen."

The T-Rex calmed down enough to stop freaking out. "That's right, you know me." He said getting closer. "Take it easy. I promise once this is all over, you'll be free to roam wherever you like. And no one will hurt you." He got close enough to touch the tip of her muzzle. She seemed to completely calm down under his touch.

The other two were impressed. Claire however snapped out of it and climbed out through the top. Chester waved Owen to come over. "You never cease to amaze me." Owen said.

Chester chuckled. "Yeah, well now you know how it feels."

"Come on guys,this is not the time to have a moment of peace." Claire said slightly out of breath.

"Please tell me you got the blood." Owen said hopefully.

Claire held up the bag as she caught her breath.

Hey sorry this took so long. I'm busy with honors classes. But hey at least I got it out within the month time limit. I'll probably be posting about every month. Since homework will take up most of my time. Anyways good luck in school yall. If you still go to school. And have a good day or night. Bye now

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