Chapter one: Filler

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A/N: This isn't the main chapter of the story, this will in fact be more a filler chapter before the true events.. Just in case anyone was confused or wondering

Addison could not believe Zed! He had stolen her necklace and made her believe that she was careless with the precious moonstone given to her. After questioning herself and rallying up everyone to help save the werewolves, now was her time! This was it! Her moment to either prove she was more than she thought she was or if this was her moment to look like a complete and utter fool. Addison turned her back on everyone as she looked at the moonstone in her hands, taking a deep breath before she placed the necklace around her neck and made sure the clasp was on tight. The bright blue glow was indication that it sensed her and it knew her. Addison felt something deep down inside of her stir before a gasp escaped her lips and she turned quickly to look at Bree which results in a gasp of 'awe and pride' from the werewolves and a look of disbelief on Zed's face.

"Well? Am I?" Addison asked Bree, trusting her best friend with her life.

"Yes, you are." Confirmed Bree, happy for her best friend. Her tongue moved against her teeth and she felt the fangs that were now there and she looked to the werewolves who were now on their knee, bowing to their great Alpha. 

"You don't have to do that!" She didn't want the wolves to think that she was special now, but now she felt like she was home.

"I told you." Wyatt looked at Willa with a knowing grin before his sister scoffed at her brother and rose up from her position before walking over to Addison. 

"Well it seems the pack is now yours to command." There was no harsh words or tone behind Willa, the legends were true and she hated to admit her twin brother was right about this. About Addison.

"Thank you, for finding me and helping me find who I truly am." Addison was extremely grateful, years of questions going unanswered were now coming to light right here and right now.

"Welcome to the pack!" Wynter shouted loud and proud, leave it to Wynter to bring joy.

"So what happens now?" Addison asked.

"Well you would move into the wolf's den." Wyatt responded to which Zed cut in now.

"What?! No! Addison-"

"No Zed! You kept me from this, my true self.. As for moving into the wolf's den, I will have to think about that. I need to talk to my parents and tell them what has happened, I will get back to you on this I promise." Addison reassured the pack of wolves before looking at Willa. "Until I get back to you, Willa can you continue to look after the pack until I can talk to my parents?"

"Of course."

Addison gave one last smile and wave to her new pack before she had taken her leave with her friends, her non-wolf friends. Addison needed to go home and she needed to think and also explain to her parents what had concurred tonight, would they be accepting? Who knows! But Addison was finally happy to have a place to belong.

I'm Finally MeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant