Just like Dorothy

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Well after fifteen minutes, my praying to any and every deity I knew the name of seemed to have paid off, as I wasn't dead or eaten yet. "So what do we do now? I mean do you have any clues as to how we're gonna get out of here?" I was picturing my bed at home, secretly hoping that if I tapped my heels together I'd get there, like Dorothy had in The Wizard of Oz.

"What are you doing?" Harker's voice snapped me out of my wonderful daydream of sleeping in my bed with my pillow pet.

"What do you mean?" I suppose standing around casually with one's eyes closed could raise suspicion.

"You're clicking your hells together, it's a bit weird." He told me while pointing down at my, paint splattered (at one point in time) black, flats. I looked down at them and realized my heels were pressed together; it seems as if I had been clicking them subconsciously, the power of suggestion though.

"Oh I'm sorry." I told him still looking at the rainbow colored pieces of leather on my feet. This meant that it took me a little while to notice Harker wasn't in the room anymore, he had left. Because of how little attention I paid to my surroundings I didn't know this until I heard a door slam.

My head snapped up like a prairie dog I had seen on animal planet at one point in time. The door adjacent to me had just been closed. With that in mind I broke into a run and pulled it open. Harker was walking in a determined pace to next art room. There was a separate section of the school closed off for art department; though we were a private school we still didn't have the money to put it in a separate building. Well there might be money for it somewhere but I'm sure that was used to buy the thirty or more new trophy cases.

All the rooms were connected by a series of doors which meant someone could get to one from another, making it much easier on the teachers. We were now using this system to what I hoped was our benefit. I decided to ask Harker if he had a plan or knew at all what he was doing. My thoughts came out in jumbled breathless sort of way as I had to run full speed to catch up with him. I decided two things at that moment, I should have taken more gym classes and the art department had way too many rooms.

"I don't have a plan other than to get us out of here." He told me still looking ahead, his permanent scowl claiming ownership of his face yet again.

"Us?" I was confused but also relieved at the fact that he wasn't just trying to save himself from the sticky situation we managed to get in.

"Yeah us, you can't die. I know I won't be able to kill him on my own." He began chuckling at his own joke.

"So not you're gonna kill me yet?" I asked laughing along with my own joke. He joined in and answered.

"No not yet." He was still laughing but mine died instantly at that moment.

A near five minutes later we finally found an exit out of the art rooms, Miss Becker fortunately left one of the door unlocked, though I don't believe it was on purpose. She had probably forgotten we were in there and in return locked all the doors. Hopefully it wasn't too late for us to get out of the school. I checked my watch, it said 4:15, school had gotten out half an hour ago. If I guessed correctly that meant we had another hour before all the doors to the school locked and we couldn't leave.

We were on the fourth floor, in the middle of the building. That meant we had to get to one of the three stairways in our school (terrible planning) and to a door in that time. I wasn't sure whether or not I should start running. I looked at Harker but he was already scanning the hallways, probably in search of one signs that labeled the difficult to find stairwells. I swear they wanted the stairs to be like hidden passageways in our castle of a school building. It wasn't built like the Hogwarts castle though; it was more like the Victorian style prison type.

"Well Mr. Psychopath what are we going to do now?" I looked at him waiting for some brilliant idea to take root in either of our minds.

"Why do you always refer to me as psychopath? I have feelings too." He told me with a sad looking, puppy dog face. My eye roll could have received a reward.

"If you're done feeling sorry for yourself," I patted his cheek, "I'd like to get home sometime this evening." Just because it was a Friday night that didn't mean I wished to spend it at school. I mean I didn't have plans or anything other than my weekly date with Netflix and my pillow pet. Which until that night I had not missed, it seemed like the odds were playing against my favor.

"Why do you have a date or something?" He ran to catch up with me and we were now walking in step. I'd imagine this wasn't easy as Harker had a good five inches on me if not more.

"Yes as a matter of fact I do." I looked straight ahead and made sure to keep my face blank when I said this, besides he never asked who with.

"Oh really, who with?" I had spoken to soon. There was no point lying to the guy, though embarrassing I knew it was best to tell him the truth instead of lying about some fake boy I invented, that never ends well.

"My pillow pet and Netflix." I mumbled softly under my breath. IT was silent at first then I heard something 'thud'. I looked to the ground and found Harker there, rolling around, out of breath. He was silently laughing as if he didn't have the energy anymore to laugh out loud. I wanted to kill him then and there.

Luckily I found it within myself to lock the homicidal maniac away before I killed the only person who could help me. This became a difficult task when she began clawing and fighting me, she was crazier than the person next to me, who I was sure, had been locked up more than once and in more than just an asylum if you catch my drift. It also helped that he had stopped laughing since then and instead went back to looking for our only chance at freedom. I decided to help him, maybe I'd find it then I could rub it in his face. Getting out of the school sooner would be nice too but I mostly wanted to gloat.

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